Dani Davis


It’s saddestic
That more of my friends where male
I say where cause a lot of point come
When them boys I thought where friends
Say they like me
And I laugh it off
While they run
Off to the next girl to fall over their feet for
They close the door on our friendship
With slogans like “got friendzoned”
Or “that bitch must be fridgid”
Like they can’t understand that a friend
Is someone you have through your life
Someone you love but not in the way you love the lovers of life
And today I finally lost another
Iv not seen him in years
After we went for food last time
God fucking forbid
This tomboy
Was sick of so call friends
Starting this fancy me shit
I was like a sister to you
Getting you through
And being hated by every girl you where with
When I didn’t even know
Now you aren’t in my life
Your pretty girlfriend
Must of made you find
The love you thought you seen in me
When I was just some kinda sick stand by for you guys
And now you have a child
Something I doubt I’ll even have now
That Ray’s in jail
Not that you’d know any of this
We we’re never the same
Cause you changed and loss shit lots of weight
Was it all in hopes of magically turn off of the idea
Of being like you sister and be like yeah let’s date?
Cause it was never what you looked like
Cause to me you guys where always perfect
My brothers
And you fail
Cause as soon as you realised
As soon as the words “we are friends”
Clicked in your brain
Years on
You brought the pain
Of walking away

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