Dani Davis


Something changed
In the wind
Weather that normal bites me
Leaving me feeling
Warm again
Something changed in my mentally
Of caring about what you think
Something changed when we stop whispering I love you on the the phone but since
You rarely call
Since you don’t chnage not at all
You are the world turning
Never stopping
A continuous turning point
Rotating but still destined for destroyal
The black hole of our relationship threw me forward into a galaxy unclaimed
Into the arms of another man
Who originally we thought was the same
For he has brown blonde hair and blue eyes
He’s tall
And you are alike
But now I see through cleared up eyes
He’s everything that you didn’t destroy
He has fears and joyous moments
And hatred and love...
He’s like the better version of you
And when I look at him
I see the flaws that make him not you
The lips so different that kiss me softly and mutter things that I laugh at now
Someone I let call me babe when I hate the word
Someone who’s brown hair isn’t your dirty blonde unwashed locks
Someone who’s eyes are more grey and hold out hope like a greying sky that rain is coming or going
I see everything I thought I saw with you
And while this world turns and you change into the demons you once promised me you’d fight against
Iv changed Into the person I thought I couldn’t be
Cause I always thought
It would be you who left me

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