Dani Davis

Cancerous selfishness

You grow so angry,
grow so fierce.
Course words,
harsh words I don’t wanna hear.
Telling me things i don’t care about,
I don’t wanna hear this out.
I don’t wanna know how much you have drank,
don’t care how big a trip on you went!
Grow up little boy,
stand tall...
You think its growing darker?
This darkness is in me!
For i might be dying...
but my stupid love only cares for he....
he’s in a dark place, so he digs deeper.
Down and down he goes.
The police will take you soon,
you’ll be lost my love...
And you wont even notice,
that the worry and illness in me grows.
This cancerous selfishness that started with you
in me now it shows.

Altre opere di Dani Davis...
