What a chaotic storm life can be, as it leads to the occasional calm… I find myself situated in this sea… with so much clarity, for the fog… Why do I do what I do?
James, my son, rusty vans perch in longing Don’t lack like them
Nowhere, nowhere I wanna go nowhere with you Let’s be empty together and fill our glasses with the nothingness we share
brittle bones held together by lay… fragile minds profoundly affected… our hearts hold strength but can,… depending on our process and what… proving the existence of a bond be…
Woke up enveloped with fear and de… Crying uncontrollably as the day b… Pain from my past seeping into my… The struggle within can no longer… can no longer be pushed further an…
I am the victim because I think I am. Others see me as weak because I see myself as weak. Perceptions leaking
center “I’m just gonna play what I wanna… cause it feels good to do that.” Funk yeah, Beth! Funk yeah!
Sometimes I’m an emotional weirdo… Sometimes I just wanna turn my br… Sometimes I forget that we all go… and sometimes I remember the speci… Seeing beauty in the inconsistency…
I’m not that great at loving mysel… CORRECTION: I am learning the… How we speak to ourselves, our int… is so crucial to our self-worth. From these thoughts come the actio…
When spirits are low and insecurit… Never doubt the power of the mind! my vices are nowhere to be found..… I inhale and pause, as I taste so… and feel color.
The trees... They soak up the carbon dioxide I… as well as the inner turmoil I exp… They release oxygen for me to brea… as well as loving guidance for me…
I choose to use this moment of tim… I am stardust in human form. A miraculous, beautiful existence. My recent self-integration has led… A cosmic dance among various bodie…
The older I get the more articula… What is the wind saying? Hey dude, I hate everything you d… Hating you won’t make you suck any… Hating you won’t make me suck any…
Memories pass by, pass through. The heavy ones hit hard. Great posture can help one stand
Wind screams silently Leaves shiver Why learn distance? Thoughts. Stay.