Transcending Unraveler

my Expression, Our Confession

Hi, this is the first time i’ve talked directly to a group of People listening to my words.
Maybe i’m breaking the rules?
i haven’t been too great at being a mindless Sheep since i graduated high school...
i will address you all more than once
with no expectations for a verbal response.
i have this strange fascination with observing People’s body language and Their actions.
Not for the sake of judging, simply noticing reactions.
It has taught me a lot about Human behavior:
Which moments We shun, which ones We savor.
Some look away when directly looked at...
i say that as if i don’t do the same at times when met with intense eye contact.
i’m going to stop using “i’s...”
and “you’s” too.
Near the end, you’ll see why
It’s comforting for Us to see the Dorks out there look at Their feet
and snort when They laugh;
We like catching People dancing in the street,
no matter how many drinks They’ve had.
It warms Our hearts to hear a Child’s many questions and requests,
more often when We’re not the Parents,
but noticing a little One’s curiosity and experiencing Their passion
for life allows Our souls to rest.
When it comes to truly living, Kids sure do it best.
And We value the time We spend with Others in touch with Their inner Child.
We usually talk about mutually attractive things while on Our adventures
or doing something wild.
What is noticed the most, though, that makes Us kinda sad
is how the majority of Us lose touch with what’s alive within,
what We’ve always had–
since the beginning of time before capitalism;
a machine that glorifies individualism and greed.
But it is just a highly adopted concept, which is why We judge it with ease.
Yes, We did construct this idea and sell it to the Rest,
But look at how many of Us have bought it!
WE sure are good at acting like We know best.
While self-destructive social structures continue making Us sick.
Just pop another pill, busy yourself some more!
Tick... Tick... Tick...
That’s the clock on Our existence ticking away.
Why can’t We see that?!
It’s no longer a conspiracy theory, it’s scientific fact.
& Us Humans, We don’t need some giant judgement day to save Our Souls.
That 's a story still believed by those of Us who have lost touch with Our only goal.
And it was Jesus and Gandhi And,
so many Others with differing religious paths
that had one common truth, spoken in different ways:
Love thy neighbor as thyself and please,
before the end of Our days...
For what can’t yet be easily proven, is that when We are done,
the residual affects of Our love won’t be embedded on this planet forever.
Left here for the next species to begin their endeavor...
These are just expressions from a part of Us that loves to ponder,
with brains, hearts, & souls that will be in constant wonder
and will continue to wander
as more and more problems come forth;
and with them more and more solutions that may make things worse.
Now i bring back a couple “i’s” for i feel compelled to ask of Us:
What if, as We face Our imminent doom as a species, instead of looking too far ahead or at the ground, We look around and above;
And instead of distancing Ourselves from Each Other in a constant battle to change Our fate holding onto the belief that We can, We get in touch with Our only infinite resource:           LOVE.
And, dammit, while We still have it,
let Us rekindle Our connection with LIFE!
So i ask that those of Us depressed, anxious, not always given the love
We need from Others or Ourselves:
Stop contemplating suicide!
i ask that those of Us inspired, passionate, educated, and wise:
Stop yelling at each Other while in protesting marching lines!
And i ask that We stop feeling guilty for expressing Our love to Each Other and for following what we love!
So here goes, my guilt-free and completely self-accepted confession;
exposed in front of all of Us following what i love:
i love you & Us!
Everything else aside.
So thank you for listening to my expression;
completely open and vulnerable,
these truths i’ll no longer hide.


The "i's" are intentionally lower-cased.
All the other pronouns, especially the plural ones indicating a shared existence, and the titles we give to ourselves and each other are intentionally upper-cased.

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