Transcending Unraveler

Inner Fat-Kid vs. Inner Slut

There’s that moment, when I’m surrounded by drunk people, where I contemplate: "Stay sober & watch others make fools of themselves, or get drunk and be a fool with them."
Last night I chose the latter, reasoning within myself:
“I’m not getting drunk to dumb myself down, I’m just doing anti-oppression work; meeting people where they’re at.”
And as the male body types continue to approach me with their 'Sups’ and head nods, poetry is storming through my mind. World issues occupy my brain. My feeling center is crammed with the soaked up emotions of those surrounding me. “How can I help these people?”
“'Nope. Not here again, how many times do I need to remind myself that I can do nothing to help this world except be myself...”
“What, then, do I want in this moment?
Sex? Nah... Cookies and Star Trek, or maybe Wilfred. Yes, Wilfred, that show is great. and solitude. ooh, ice cream too.”
I begin to leave the party. And when asked why, I reply:
“My inner fat kid out-weighs my inner slut.”
It made perfect sense in my head, but I’m in my head. So to a room full of people not in my head, it was comedic gold.
And so I left, bought cookies & ice cream, and watched Wilfred until my eyes wouldn’t stay open(about an episode and a half).


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