Hi, this is the first time i’ve ta… Maybe i’m breaking the rules? (chuckles) i haven’t been too great at being… i will address you all more than o…
There faces pass before me like th… All in need, longing for help. Crying out, directing their sorrow… Not because I’m at fault, but bec… and because I have so willingly ta…
Creeping Creeping CREEPING through our minds! Dense fog
Melting, melting, my barriers are… old beliefs formed as a child begi… as truth comes forth to replace th… I move past this victim role & beg… I express gratitude for your prese…
I write because my head gets cramm… Then I continue to write because… Where is all this coming from? What more is there? What happens when I stop taking t…
Green trees needles fading to pale blue wave an ominous hello pavement clouds hover
the awkward girl complains about g… she doesn’t quite understand what… they tell her she’s real and it’s… and most intriguing, which is why… she loves people and making connec…
There’s that moment, when I’m surrounded by drunk people, where I contemplate: "Stay sober & watch others make fools of themselves, or get drunk and be a fool with them." Last night I ...
Sitting on a fence behind me is devastation & destruc… the lifestyle most chosen familiar full of false comforts
Sometimes I’m an emotional weirdo… Sometimes I just wanna turn my br… Sometimes I forget that we all go… and sometimes I remember the speci… Seeing beauty in the inconsistency…
I, Ego Me, Genius They work together brilliantly When Ego’s not indulging In emotional addiction
I will be able to fully Be with o… when I am fully present with mysel… I will be able to learn to trust o… when I learn to trust myself. When I let go of ego, the need fo…
I am the victim because I think I am. Others see me as weak because I see myself as weak. Perceptions leaking
Dreams dead. Hopes burned to shreds. Reality hit by a lightning bolt. Perceptions of an identity lost, Ego in revolt.
The experience of a poetry open mi… frees us from cultural restriction… enabling us to explore the human e… in a space of truth and vulnerability