Transcending Unraveler

Humor's Genesis

Woke up with laughter
there’s no sense chasing after
what is not yet here.
Sunspots on forest floors,
tell me, Love, where is the door?
This gaze envelops glossy spheres
of iridescence trapped in caramelized tears
reflecting the outer edge of a redwood tree.
The snake sheds its skin
sap solidifies to amber
evolution reveals true beauty.
Have you learned to transform struggle into joy, my darling?
No need to fear the scorpion’s sting.
When rebirth casts shadows upon that no longer existing.
Home unknown.
Unknown is home.
Welcome mat shredded.
Door left open.
Light switch non-responsive.
Where grey fades, dark resides.
Close your eyes;
you don’t need them right now.
Extend arms out wide,
across papered walls hands glide.
Fingers trace imperfections
combined to form ALL.
Stand tall.
You will fall.
So stand tall.
Cause slouchers crumble before chaos calls.
Can you hear them, my dear?
The whispers of triumph through muddy waters...
Blossoms appear,
petals unfold to slowly reveal
harmony dancing with unpredictability.
Humor bubbles forth from tragedy.


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