Transcending Unraveler


Finding effortlessness
in the healing process
through acceptance and creativity.
Every part of me makes up my entirety.
No need to hate
or try to eradicate
the parts of myself I don’t like to see.
They were created for a purpose,
but have lost their meaning.
And that is why I judge them so,
but this “right vs. wrong” mentality has got to go.
The shadows of myself are meant to show
me how to move to and fro.
I can use my ego as guide,
this self-imposed identity is just one vessel to be used
during this life-long ride.
As a creative being I have the ability to shift
how I view my world;
I can transform shit
into gold.
So now I choose to view my insecurities
as friends constantly helping
me continue this process of knowing
and loving
the person I am becoming.
I am ever-changing
and transforming.
From a constant battle within
to an internal dance:
living with freedom begins
and perhaps...


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