Cory Garcia

Quite the Pair

*Play video while Reading
"Play Reading"

(The Seamstress and the Hatter I)** the HatterSeries
1 - Quite the Pair
2 - Skin and Bones
3 - Off With Their Heads
4 - Hell Hath No Fury... A Seamstress Scorned
5 - The Hunt Begins

** the Hatter speaking with a deckhand while searching for the Seamstress (the Hatter sings)

note: Links to each poem in subtitle
note: play song linked above

Your left handed rhymes remind me of a woman I heard about... not so long ago... or was it starboard bow... I don’t rightly know - know rightly which is the proper case...

still the red queen sought her... the pretty young seamstress bursting tightly at the seams... whose spoken verses were like fragmented dreams... each one perfectly fitting it seems - seems more than what was implied...

she was quite cracked really... she could be found playfully beaming... to anyone who would listen to her incessant scheming...  while secretly she would be merrily stealing - stealing their old man shoes...

not whole sets mind you... just one pinched from each matched pair... from unsuspecting travelers caught unaware... with an artfully innocent stare– stare innocent she would as she stole them from right under their moving feet...

like I said she was rather bizarre... what the seamstress did with them all was anyone’s guess... even I have made a couple of my very best... be they in spirited jest– jest to pass some heady trial...

presently I find myself looking for her... hoping to find her in those mismatched shoes... the infinite variety of her fine-looking hues... perhaps they are the very clues– clues to her mad meaning...

if ever there was one explanation... constantly searching for some telling sign... as if connecting mindful dots by crooked line... surreptitiously hoping it was my time– time my own shoe she would take...

why you ask... silly question... for me the seamstress is always in season... her words enough for the rest is treason... still what need have I for the convoluting of reason– reason for the making up of such complex rhymes...

for when I find her... I will bake her a shoelaced cake... with my old man on top settling inside her sweet toothy ache... till even the hearts queen will have to admit we make– make quite the perfect pair...

as long as we both keep our heads...

The Hatter is persistent in his search for the Seamstress and tells a story of how fascinated he is by her taking a single (old man) shoe in hope that it will be him one day that she steals one shoe from so that they may become the perfect pair... I dig it! Its good! Very good!
(thanks for the Synopsis and Review Amber Royse!!!)

I had been reading Anne Sexton previously and then the rhyming verse of another young spicy poet I admire Elizabeth Stone (at the same time recalling the mad verses of Danny MF'n Stone) and it just clicked.... The Hatter made his appearance in my writing ;)

Rhythm is a bit mad...
Meant to flow in the Hatters mad way of speaking :)
For the most part:
Statement... Rhyme at end...Rhyme at end... Rhyme midline... (repeat)

Whats with the cake:
A cake?!?... Ever seen a Mad Hatter cake?... Why its the perfect cake to win the heart of the pretty young seamstress who has been stealing the old man shoes ;)

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Autres oeuvres par Cory Garcia...
