
Young, affable and highly intelligent!

By Stanley Collymore

Being genuinely friendly to
someone who at best is
a mere acquaintance
and who most distinctly so is of
the opposite gender, obviously
to one’s self, doesn’t surely, in
the least truly automatically or
effectively mean, that there is
an ulterior motive undeniably
on that essentially irrefutably
sociable person’s part which
is self-servingly in train; and
it’s simply refreshing Caitlyn
to see, there are still people
who, rather unquestionably,
like yourself, are splendidly
different and thoroughly as
well very obviously too not
like some fatuously insane.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
2 May 2023.

Author’s Remarks:
A truly remarkable person is Caitlyn, in a world increasingly burgeoning with intellectually challenged, gullible and malevolently narcissistic, racists, haters and toxically verminous sociopathic, and psychopathic sickos.

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