
Well done Omid Scobie. And good on you lad!

By Stanley Collymore
Other than not being readily and
effusively acknowledged as
the actually pathetically
fawning medieval mind-set serfs which
they rather earnestly and keenly, really
do love being seen and classed as by
their monarchical family, and equally
hereditary perceived, superiors; truly
the one other principal thing simply,
which white Britons distinctively do
actually overwhelmingly in tandem
with their non-white bleached skin
House Niggers and noxious Asian
Coconuts that likewise irrefutably
just as their privileged controllers
evidently undeniably verminously
do in their actual joint infestation
of our green, and otherwise fairly
pleasant Britain is the distinctive
fact of these quite obviously vile
and prime assholes’ evident fear
of and actual hatred of the truth!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
28 November 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Assuming just for the sake of argument that Harry and Meghan did brief Omid Scobie I honestly don't know of a solitary intelligent person, myself included, who gives a shit one way or t'other regarding this; what blatant double standards and pernicious hypocrisy coming from the lot of you fawning, brownnosing serfs!

Who the hell do you think briefs the Daily Mail and the other right-wing media about Meghan specifically and Harry likewise, and even their two children? It's Charles; most distinctly also that trollop of a second wife that he married and who very self-evidently quite manipulatively controls him as she has rather effectively and obviously clearly and distinctly literally essentially always done from the actual onset of their relationship together; as evidently Charles basically likes to be controlled; pitifully, and pathetically, having had the two most bloody awful, discernibly vile and categorically, thoroughly incapable of parental love parents, throughout his entire life and with quite literally those directly around him naturally telling him what to do or otherwise, those of lesser importance in the fawning societal and privileged pecking order, generally quite simply complying with his own childish whims and undeniably rather immature desires; and being the clearly ruthlessly conniving and undoubtedly acquisitive dominatrix bitch she is and has always been, reinforced as she unquestionably is by her similarly entrenched, whoring, lasciviously and discernibly very simply brazenly adulterous great grandmother Alice Keppel, whose genes Camilla has quite obviously inherited along with her reputation, since apart from the several other paid lovers that she had, this also married whore was a very longstanding mistress of Edward VII, quite effectively Charles' own great grandfather, and for all we know Camilla might well be aptly biologically related to Charles!

Since it's actually common practice, even to this day, among this British monarchical lot for their bastard offspring to be passed off quite successfully as the progeny of the cuckolded husband, and if in doubt of that, feel free to literally have a quiet word with William Windsor! And clearly with this monarchical lot great love for and obsession with keeping it in their family: Philip and Liz were cousins and likewise Philip's very own longstanding mistress and present at his funeral was also his cousin; so quite sensibly in this day and era of the DNA perhaps as they both like to simply con the UK populace as to how conscientious they are, both as monarch and desperately wannabe one, by enlightening us on such proven DNA tests. Not that I'm actually holding or ever likely to do so my breath on that one. Lol! Whatever! Camilla essentially controls Charles, he distinctively quite likes it that way and since Alice Keppel obviously couldn't become queen or get her hands on the crown jewels, and her own great granddaughter has evidently done her great-nan proud!

Camilla and her family are now actually basically in charge and if you're really in doubt of that just check the Christmas at Sandringham guest list. Distinctively a bloody charade even during Liz's time it's patently evidently even more so now with under Charles with Camilla's brood and her cuckolded ex-husband actually being the guest of honour. So really why are you fawning serfs still asininely persisting with the name Windsor; why not sensibly shift it to Bowles-Lyons? In 1915 this same family did conveniently and rather ostentatiously change their established surname then from Saxe Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten; so it ought not be a problem to switch it again and most practicably to Bowles-Lyons!

Camilla, William, Kate and Charles, very obviously with Charles being dragged along in this, are the principal passers of often lying and similarly out rightly quite fabricated stuff to the media very relative in their sick, vile and evil minds pertaining in their delusional and rather entrenched racist existences distinctly about Meghan expressly and similarly Harry. William quite unquestionably is an outright racist, keen on becoming king, as he has no pertinent skills to do fuck all else and is essentially a bone idle lazy prat, so is happily buoyed up by the support coming his way from the surfeit of racist Karen and likeminded Gammon pillocks who evidently infest Brexit Britain, making him William, in his own eyes as well as their own, the UK's equivalent of America's, Ku Klux Klan, Grand Wizard.

Dream on asshole! You might consider yourself very invincible within the medieval mindset world you actually live in William but outside of which is obviously the real world of the 2ist Century and other than you clearly brainwashed, braindead and obviously intellectually challenged, quite moronic sycophants no one who is even mildly intelligent is buying your racist and very risibly superior shit, William. And take it from me, there's nowt fucking superior about you, a man who literally bats at both ends but won't ever own up to it.

Camilla simply, is quite obviously what she always was: a thoroughly distinctly selfish, nasty, whoring trollop, and quite bluntly if she was undoubtedly a Black woman or even a white one who wasn't societally connected as she is and had behaved as Camilla has distinctly done throughout her useless life, that is quite precisely what all you pathetic fawners would have undoubtedly automatically branded her as; but in this bastardized UK and with many of you as immorally decadent as Camilla, Charles, William, Kate and the rest of them taking their usual pot shots at Meghan, I honestly can't say that I'm surprised at your very blatant double standards. So evidently on my part no amount of calculatingly white washing this quite odious whore Camilla Parker Bowles - pun intended - is going to positively for the better alter this old, quite noxiously pernicious, very petty, verminous and recalcitrantly also hateful bitch!

Meanwhile, the very ardently obsessive, bared bottom and quite discernibly so, keen gold-digger and assiduous stalker Kate Middleton is distinctly really in all actuality nowt more than just obviously a younger version of the Camilla Parker Bowles woman. So who then sensibly and with a functional brain in their head gives a fuck what this lot actually does think, a rather difficult exercise I would honestly imagine for these clearly very purblind cunts or likewise what they do. And the discernible fact that they're so preoccupied with Harry and Meghan who voluntarily quit their dysfunctional familial setup and sphere of influence literally says it all.

And to use a Bajan saying: "People only keep on worrying and likewise seeking to explain the obvious, that intelligent people are already cognizant of, when they're a guilty as hell themselves and their undeniably troubled consciences are desperately worrying the daylights out of them!"

And absolutely bluntly put Camilla and Charles especially do have a great deal, conscience-wise, to really worry about. And not least of these in their enforced moments of solitude the contrived and calculated murder of Diana! And as we Bajans equally say: " Guilt can never be shelved whoever's or whatever you are; and literally bites you most voraciously and rather ferociously in the ass when you least expect it to.

We're not all brainwashed sycophants, Charles, Camilla, William and Kate, nor that interested in you; and this actually distinctly quite mentally liberated Bajan Brit, sure as hell isn't, nor am I remotely afraid of you or those around you. Now sue me for what I've honestly and also well-researched written! I dare you to!

#InspirationalCourage #Truth

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