Author's Remarks:
Everyone needs to be educated with facts; not through dishonest, deceitful, disingenuous and outright lying, virtue signalling. As all honest, well-informed persons know the true origins of what's going on in Palestine, a continuation of what's been occurring for quite some time now. And no amount of blatantly contrived mass hysteria by hypocritical media outlets: the print as well as the electronic versions, is going to change that! Just the truth, and quite honestly also rectifying past and still discernibly ongoing wrongs.
No different, this state of affairs, from the vestiges of uncaringly and thus as well, the obvious, purposely unresolved injustices, unquestionably pertaining to the Transatlantic Slave Trade barbarity which most consciously and for profit similarly and barbarically began in my ancestral homeland of Barbados. And we know who started and profitably too benefitted quite enormously from that!
And not to even acknowledge let alone seek to honestly rectify the wrongs that have been perpetrated, and still literally are, in Palestine while vaingloriously as well as hypocritically virtual signalling for one's own preferred side is actually therefore as patently crass as basically deliberately ignoring the odious and evil crimes of Jimmy Savile on the evidently ludicrous basis that he effectively also did lots of charitable work and was too involved in many good public causes!
Only in the sick minds of the viciously and acquisitively psychotic is justice for the justly aggrieved ever seen and regarded as unquestionably unrealistic!
#Greed #Hypocrisy #SelfEntitlement