
Convenient memories to what are very irrefutably malevolently egregious, and evidently recurring wrongs!

By Stanley Collymore
To the prized idiots, hypocrites and
purportedly Master Racers who
ask why the United Kingdom
should assist in solving the Palestinian
problem. How about literally, quite this
once, in your simply pathetic lives you
actually rather earnestly try to fittingly
constructively utilize what simply you
and others like yourselves, effectively
and very distinctly, unilaterally regard
as functioning brains? In effect quite
sensibly go and acquaint yourselves
with the crucial, and undeniable fact
that rather simply is that Britain was
effectively, undoubtedly, dishonestly
conspiratorially and deliberately too
absolutely and evidently undeniably
crucially involved, with the problem
in Palestine to begin with. In actual
fact, it was unquestionably, the UK
which not only arrogantly gave the
green light knowingly for what has
basically bigotedly, and effectively
undeniably tragically, happened in
Palestine, but crucially authorized
that ongoing catastrophe through
the discernibly, distortedly biased
Balfour Declaration: The blatantly
granting by a country, Britain with
no legal or any moral authority to
do so, of land that wasn’t its own
to European refugees from WW2
it didn’t want migrating to Britain,
conniving and quite nefariously
usurped from the people and the
clear rightful owners of that land
who very intelligibly want it back.
And basically, no amount of very
stultifyingly, evidently prejudicial
virtue signalling from across the
UK, is going to alter, or eradicate
the solemn edict which pertains
to the Nakba. And very rampant
stupidity aside on the part of all
these basically virtue signalling
morons, it would clearly be very
laughable, were it not for reality
starkly kicking in, that distinctly
during WW2 these vermin were
the exact toxic sorts combined
with their obviously, supportive
cheerleading rags like the Daily
Mail not only lauding the Nazis
but wanting all European Jews
DEAD! What obvious hypocrisy.
(C) Stanley V.  Collymore
14 October 2023.

Author's Remarks:
I'm not going to waste my time or insult the intelligence of people both capable and quite adept at evidently thinking for themselves and also significantly doing the requisite research to effectively and unquestionably truly ascertain the facts which they were previously very unclear of or unfamiliar with. Idiots and literally bandwagon jumpers I don't or will I ever waste time on and quite frankly, they're quite at liberty to think whatever they want to, bearing in mind that the odious rantings that they vitriolically spew out are always undoubtedly the contrived work of others and never their own. The very same, quite evidently applies with the Palestinian situation.

There is undoubtedly a plethora of very varied and highly informative material quite relevant to the Palestinian state of affairs, and how it initially did come about, easily available on the internet.
The Uganda Scheme was a proposal by the quite unashamedly British colonist Joseph Chamberlain and the father of a quisling UK Prime Minister - there'll be peace in our time (famous last words prior to all those millions on both sides being needlessly slaughtered) - Neville Chamberlain on his way back from very asininely kowtowing with Adolph Hitler, to create a European Jewish homeland in a large segment of what was then the British colonial ruled East Africa. Now modern day Kenya. A motion that was presented at the 6th World Zionist Congress in Basel in 1903 by Theodor Herzl the obviously and generally also fully recognized founder of the Zionist movement.

And clearly anybody who really doesn't recognize or actually obviously know that Zionism and Judaism have bugger all in common with each other and only co-exist out of mutual expediency really do need their heads examining. Simply, because Zionists and Zionism are both secular, Judaism isn’t! And is as equally asinine as claiming that a white British atheist is a Christian because he or she does reside in Britain, is "English" and as Britain is an allegedly a "Christian" country, although the overwhelming majority of its clearly professed Christians couldn't tell you what the inside of a church actually looks like, while Charles Windsor, an entrenched adulterer, together with his second and very similar wife, and both of them very serial breakers of the crucially relevant and important 7th Commandment: "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is in actuality, officially the Head of the Church of England.

Moreover, these European Jews are all white Caucasian, their ancestral roots being Khazar and clearly not Palestine; and just as white Christians' ancestors effectively converted to Christianity, so too did these Kharzarians to Judaism. And why? They were essentially a very mercenary people and also acquisitive in the process, who not uncommonly loved nothing better than playing one side off against another especially so when the two sides were warring with each other. Beneficially for themselves the Khazarians supported and assisted both combatants, quite assured that it didn't matter who won, since with both sides indebted to them they were the ultimate winners.

However when the Holy Roman Empire wanted them to be aligned with it and the Ottoman one also wanted them to do the same with them, and with both sides giving them an ultimatum to become Christian or Muslim, the Khazarian ruler decreed that his nation, which had no religion that it practiced would quite literally and very overnight actually become followers of Judaism. An arbitrary but a very clever decision, as Jews weren't a major political force, while both the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman one were, and he had no real desire for himself or his country, Khazar becoming a vassal of either and losing their independence, as it were, to do whatever they really wanted to; and had always done. Now, as for his rather present day Kharzarian descendants and this bee in their bonnet about anti-Semitism whenever they're quite justly criticized about something or other that they've done or hypocritically failed to do, frankly there are no more Semites biologically as I or any other practicing British Christian is, since Christianity, just like Judaism and the Muslin faith, were all founded by authentic and very provable biological Semites, and which ironically the Palestinians actually are.

We all live in the era of the DNA test now, and if bastard Brits and equally similar Irish folk can discover with the help of the "Long Lost Familes" TV programme and obviously DNA who they really are why don't these allegedly Khazaian Semites whether as authentic practising followers of Judaism or the atheistic Zionists most of them are do the same and thus finalize this issue of themselves being literally real Semites biologically or not, one way or the other, as it's their actual problem and one that they've created; and once and for all in the process through DNA authenticity put an end to their distinctly rather discernibly dubious speculation that they are Semites. But they clearly won't do that, and you don't have to be a Mensa member to figure out why! And literally, as it obviously stands, it's a really good, even if effectually out-worn, sympathy puller with the dim-witted idiots and the deceitful, dishonest rags like the Daily Mail when all else fails.

My own personal ethnicity is distinctly, undoubtedly Barbadian and obviously Afro-Caribbean and, as such, I fully and honestly know that each and every one of us unquestionably, discernible Afro-Caribbean actually carries in his or her biological genes the white Caucasian, male Y chromosome, rather directly as a direct result of the routine systematic and risibly classified as legal, but in actuality the rape of our women folk and even young girls during slavery and its actual attendant heresy colonialism; because white science did specify that Black female vaginas were different to white women's which really meant that Black women were literally, according to them, in heat all the time; so effectively being raped by or actually forced to have sex with any white male, meant, according to this racist mind-set, that every one of those Black females was being done a great favour by these white men who, quite unquestionably it would seem on their part, did evidently "altruistically", doubtlessly prevent all these Black women from otherwise quite realistically going off their heads by being quite distinctively, alarmingly continuously in oestrus 24/7; so rather altruistically being raped by these white men "inevitably" doubtlessly prevented a catastrophe from actually happening within our Black race. And this load of utter bullshit rather fully disseminated by white "professionals" was readily and universally believed by their tribe which labels itself as white Caucasians. Can you imagine any other racial group very fatuously doing the precise same thing, most crucially so to white women, and vilely getting away with it absolutely for centuries as these white men and their entire race did with our women?

But my crucial point is simply this, does my effectively having the white male Y chromosome in my obvious Black, DNA system make me proud, or delighted to regard myself as a white man because of that? Please, don't hold your breath on that one. For although undoubtedly, unquestionably enforcedly born British, and I have no problem with that, I really do not or would I ever wish to remotely categorize myself as actually being of white Caucasian stock, never mind that white male Y chromosome thing; since I do know that when I look in the mirror I pleasantly see a handsome Black man looking back at me; and furthermore to all that, I'm also every inch a completely mentally liberated Bajan bloke; actually blood and DNA tested: a very requisite obligation across the entire Collymore Diaspora, and from the actual onset a blood testing regime initially, at birth, of all respective members of the family; a situation that effectively began directly after the eradication of Slavery in 1834. While nowadays, and with the advent of the DNA, one or both methods evidently as of choice are effectively and literally used. So unquestionably I do know who I actually am! But do you, quite relative to yourself?

It was my maternal grandmother's own grandmother, who essentially initiated the Collymore Klan. Having, crucially, taught herself to read and write, she was later assisted in this process by the governess to the daughter of the owner of the plantation on which she was a slave. This governess was a Quaker and was opposed to slavery. My great, great grandmother was just 16 at the time when the Slave Emancipation Bill was going through the House of Commons in London. And she pledged herself that if it passed into law she would instantaneously discard her slave given name and utilize one of her own making. A pledge she made to the only man she loved, 3 years her senior, and also subsequently married. Making it clear to him that he was free to keep his slave given name if he essentially either cared or wished to, but she and their biological children would have the family name that she had created for herself and them. He not only happily agreed to her proposition but after the end of slavery, at the first opportunity afforded himself, changed his familial name quite legally as well to Collymore.

However, even though Slavery was ended officially in 1834 all the slaves nevertheless had to continue working on their respective plantations rather obligatorily for a minimum of 4 years. This was to ensure they didn't walk off leaving the Slave owners who knew nothing about the sugar industry apart from using our Black people to make in today's terms simply billions of Pounds Sterling for themselves, high and dry, even though these slave owners were actually paid billions in compensation for having to give up their slaves, while equally their descendants like modern day former British PM David Cameron and his wife Samantha, individually get compensation as well as several others of their sort with Slave ancestors, while neither the slaves, their children nor their descendants to this day got or get a single penny between them. And to add insult to Injury David Cameron is distinctly, publicly avowedly against reparations to Slave descendants, claiming that no one nowadays is responsible for the Transatlantic Slave Trade, which Britain and white Britons however have benefited enormously from but who, in David Cameron's case as a slave owner descendant he simply gets 20 million annually, while his wife Samantha is likewise paid undoubtedly handsomely in her own right for being the same as her husband. But on top of all that, as European Jews when it suits their purposes, and Church of England when it doesn't, even though as British "Jews" whose own families have long been established in the UK, slavery started in the 17th Century hence his ancestors going to the Barbados and the other Caribbean islands to make their millions, David Cameron sees no irony in actually claiming and getting his bountiful share of the fantastically "Wiedergutmachen" Compensation that Germany actually pays to victims of the European holocaust but self-evidently essentially and effectively ONLY white Caucasian "Jews", and justly take that to mean Zionists like himself, when he was never himself personally affected by what happened in Europe as literally most of the current claimants weren't.

Moreover, the British government in 1834 with its imposition on the freedom of slaves to immediately have their freedom, actually needed the breathing space to introduce its new form of collective repression known as colonialism. However, my Great, great grandmother and her man, who would become my legal biological Great, great grandfather got married, had 5 children between them and blessedly started the Collymore Klan; which has survived immensely and done exceptionally well for itself, prominently in Barbados, also across CARICOM, and similarly the other Caribbean territories, notably Cuba; likewise in Panama and equally also in Venezuela, Canada and the USA, as well as Britain, Holland, and rather crucially post-apartheid South Africa. And significantly for all of them both males and female Collymore members have the authentic right to pass on that surname to their very own biological offspring; and several Collymore ladies married, or not, fully exercise that right to register their biological offspring as Collymore. What a genuine proud name and enthralling history! And one that I am certainly most ardently committed to and assuredly enormously proud of. And the proud knowledge too that our biological Collymore global Diaspora family comes in all authentic human racial colours.

The oldest Jewish synagogue in the western hemisphere is in Barbados, in our capital city of Bridgetown, and was established in 1654.Itself and its direct surrounding area are legally under the direct auspices of the adept Barbados National Trust. It is also an UNESCO world heritage site. In 1952 the German government financially introduced the Wisdergutmachung Compensation Scheme for victims of the Nazi war crimes, but only European Jews and their families were compensated as they still are to this day; no one else. Furthermore, while the biased, British controlled Nuremberg trials sentenced Fritz Saucket to death for organizing forced labour camps, the German Wiedergutmachen scheme while very exclusively compensating European Jews and Zionists - not the millions of Gypsies, French mixed race citizens derogatorily referred to as Rhineland Niggers; not Russian communists or anyone else, and while many in the German government on all sides oppose these compensations, on the basis partly but not exclusively that forced Labour is a natural act of war, which colonialist Britain and the USA have used both in the past and recently within their campaigns in Africa and the Middle East, the German payments still go on exclusively to Israeli Zionists who keep repeatedly demanding more each time. Irony completely lost on them at the barbaric manner in which they treat the Palestinians. As one German student of mine said to me, prisoners in British jails convicted of the most heinous crimes are treated simply more humanely than innocent Palestinian mothers and their children who're barbarically, customarily vilely and evilly traduced as non-convicted criminals in the open Prison of Gaza!

Sickeningly, Germany will pay Israel, which every intelligent person knows is a nuclear power and gets billions of Wiedergutmachen Compensation payments already since 1952, an EXTRA $1.4 billion US dollars ostensibly for the welfare of the paltry number of alleged World War 2 Nazi survivors in their 80s and allegedly 90s who, because of their age, now supposedly need specialist care. Maybe, but what has happened to all the previous billions given to them when they were considerably younger? Yet they're Palestinian refugees, Syrian, Iraqi and Libyan ones living in abject poverty with those kowtowing to an ever acquisitive Zionist Israel that's well adept at exploiting western guilt and exploiting and frequently on the rampage, fully aware of what Israel routinely does, but sickeningly turning a blind eye to it, or even asininely supporting Israel's barbaric, apartheid actions!

I'm not anti-Jewish and never have been, any more than as a practising Christian I'm anti-Christianity in any of its guises. Similarly I have the same impartial respect for the Muslim faith; all three of which are Semitic Faith's. And I have taught a number of Jewish university students in Germany as an Academic who share my opinions and are embarrassed by what is going on falsely in their name, as they're genuinely practising religious Jews, and not on the take Zionists! Yet the defenders of the latter have no problem at all castigating anyone who even suggests an apology - specifically from the likes of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and Holland for example - for their odious part and massive profit making from the Transatlantic Slave Trade, let alone paying adequately to the descendants of these slaves, JUST reparations; because simply to these hypocrites such an act of repentance, despite all their vainglorious and most hypocritical virtue signalling obviously on so many issues is quite anathema to their white supremacist notions.

Oh and by the way it was just actually a relatively short while ago that genuine and elderly victims of Europe's holocaust living in Israel were publicly complaining that they weren't getting the Wiedergutmachen Compensation liberally paid to them by successive German governments. So whose own pockets is that money lining

Incidentally, if you've nothing to either hide or be ashamed of you may wish to Google and research articles like these two and the scam involved:

WWW.Reuters. Com
"Israel to probe neglect of holocaust survivors."

"One third of Israeli holocaust survivors live in poverty, advocates say."

#Greed #Hypocrisy #SelfEntitlement

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