
Time for James Rees Mogg to fuck off as well!

By Stanley Collymore
Absolutely sick and tired of your
fatuous nonsense and stinking
lies Moggy; so just bugger off!
You’ve got your brownnosing gong, so
please do those clearly, still relatively
essentially few remaining intelligent
and actually capable, of thinking for
ourselves, and therefore clearly not
pathetic, gullible, Britons among us
a real favour and thus be blissfully
and desireably, permanently gone;
imploringly so as the undoubtedly
undeniably obvious very odiously
vile and sick, toxically verminous
gammon scum that you distinctly
quite effectively are, who despite
being a literally privileged upper
class Briton, when it beneficially
literally suits your evil purposes
did all the same very accursedly
shamelessly get yourself and all
your nearest kin Eire passports,
while evidently simultaneously
transferring your own and also
the family’s signally significant
financial assets slimely to Eire.
Specifically thus in order to get
around the very same Brexit
restrictions that you Jacob
then cavalierly imposed, and rather
most injuriously so on the surfeit of
quite intellectually challenged, plus
irredeemably distinctively moronic
simply working class white Britons
that rather marginally got the likes
of you and Nigel Farage to actually
secure Brexit. And ironically while
these obviously pathetically idiotic
Brits now routinely live in diurnal
distress you Jacob clearly no mug,
have literally boltholed, with your
financial assets and also acquired
Irish passport to Eire, while Nigel
Farage in firm retention of his EU
passport quite laughingly lives in
France, very openly adulterously
with his tart mistress! Yet clearly
quite fatuously and undoubtedly
additionally also, very obviously
self-evidently and so ludicrously
idiotically to those of us actually
blessed with functioning brains,
both you malevolent charlatans
do brashly and sanctimoniously
quite infuriatingly but similarly
also conceitedly, pompously too
and egregiously; clearly believe
you’ve realistically a God-given,
as well as a literally inalienable
right to actually determine and
singularly run politics in Britain.
Correction bozos but you don’t!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
11 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
The principle inherent in the concept of Democracy is that every eligible citizen, and in pseudo democracies like Britain serfs, plebeians, odiously intellectually challenged and braindead, monarchical fawning aficionados, blatantly coupled with the utterly brainwashed and also innately stupid gullible moronic prats, with whom Britain is quite regrettably but rather prodigiously infested with, should have their say; and quite rightly so even if they haven't the least fucking notion of what they're saying or voting on; but sensibly, those of you that really bother to take any notice or watch any of this essentially and obviously as well egregiously engaged in shit from where you are, that what goes on in Britain is in the very remotest sense democracy then you couldn't be more wrong I do assure you. Feudalism undeniably yes; but Democracy categorically no!

#Greed #Hypocrisy #Stupidity

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