
This demonic hypocrisy is thoroughly mindboggling!

By Stanley Collymore
Israel, the only country that can
actually start, then wage a war
and absolutely quite asininely
claim, that it’s defending itself! For how does
forcibly taking Palestinian homes, as well as
these peoples distinctly and unquestionably
indigenous land through Israel’s undoubted
acts of genocidal barbarity; realistically fall
into these irrefutably, obviously murderous
interlopers evidently, ludicrous claims that
they’ re undeniably, defending themselves,
when rather distinctively in addition to the
aforementioned they’re actually cavalierly
and very wantonly also murdering foreign
journalists; aid, and quite discernibly also
charity workers, in this demonic process!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The murderous propensity for power at any cost is regrettably rather inherent in some people and nothing morally and plainly conscionably human will really, ever divert them from their clearly evil pursuit!


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