Author's Remarks:
A constant reader and a truly objective commenter of my regular work posted this comment to me, and also on my site which he’s a member of, on the 23 February 2023 in respect of the poem “A case not for eugenics but certainly one for the enforced sterilization of discernible idiots” declaring this reader that, “There seems to be an overabundance of not too smart people these days, and your poem effectively describes this.” Basically he’s firmly and logically right and rather intelligently has eruditely hit this particular nail decidedly and astutely on the head with his sensible and thoroughly observant comment.
But you, largely out there, and the generally genocidally acquired countries owners and current rulers that are effectively controlled by convict descended and even delusional Terra nullius aficionado bastard kin, specifically in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and likewise significant parts of the USA that they toxically, verminously and disturbingly to sentient minds increasingly infest these barbarically acquired countries with your odious presence, are just what you’re seen and sensibly described as.
And just one reference I’ll employ to confirm this, and it’s relevant to Harry and Meghan. How in God’s name can anyone be evicted from a property, as the Daily Mail rag has gleefully and typically lyingly too in its fake purported journalism flamboyantly screams, when the supposed “evictees” self-evidently don’t live in that particular property and haven’t done so for some considerable time, as their natural and permanent home and general abode are in another country, the United States of America, quite literally, and irrefutably thousands of miles away in California?
Harry and Meghan do have a legal lease on Frogmore House located in Berkshire, England and as such either they or the lease holder can amicably or otherwise terminate that lease when it legal expires. But as long as the lease is in situ and the official “leasers” are properly, accountably and punctually paying their rent in full, how on earth can anyone, other than intellectually challenged, dim-witted, discernibly and pathetically gullible and fawningly, racist, brownnosing, monarchical pillocks – the usual dolts of white Karen slappers and azoospermia, routinely cuckolded Gammons, think, let alone believe otherwise? And yet you asininely see yourselves as the glorious elements of a genuinely, indisputable supposed “Master Race” – Dream on!
#Racism #Stupidity