
The sheer hypocrisy really of the very selective and professionally concerned!

By Stanley Collymore

The so-called Western World, obviously unquestionably led by its overly as well as overtly bullying, evidently routinely murderous but, nevertheless, portrays itself as this self-professed benign and objective patriarchy, the United States of America: most laughably, if it weren’t so blatantly obvious such a sickeningly pathetic, absolutely a most categorical, and distinctly a self-evident wilful lie!

The USA: the self– professed defender of the quite euphemistically labelled Free World; an equally risible situation that is simply compounded by its obviously intransigent sycophants like Britain, so asininely, as if crucially simply literally for dear life, tenaciously hanging on to the USA’s actual coattails in the patently unquestionably ridiculous but basically discernibly and obviously vainglorious expectation that in doing so it will both automatically and globally, undeniably regain the worldwide dominance once exercised by itself through the crucially debilitating fear that Britain previously generally and ruthlessly engendered in its subject victims worldwide.

This all fully complemented ongoingly, by these irrefutably colonised peoples’ enforced conformity in the undeniably clear barbaric, and similarly genocidal acquisition of their countries, massive wealth and the actual subservience by means of arbitrary and quite routinely so unquestionable barbarity obviously against all those who bravely, and also undoubtedly morally and essentially in that milieu very dauntlessly challenged them!

Other people’s wealth, countries and as well those inhabitants own lives which these barbaric, and literally interloping white Caucasian Britons arrogantly and quite superciliously in their discernibly unquestionably but actually delusional white supremacist superiorly distinctly took for granted, and even in this quite  evidently so, the 21st Century, there are still multitudes of them who arrogantly  claim that their kind has done nothing  wrong, has nothing to apologise for and as such it’s not their fault in the least.

However, these are the very people that along with their governments not only assume they have the right to obviously run their own countries preferably also without the quite insufferable presence of non-whites within them but basically as well, generally arbitrarily assign and quite arrogantly arrogate to themselves the unquestionably unwarranted right, as they view it, to actually undoubtedly and significantly not only determine in all respects how the rather purportedly to them Third World, and others clearly like China and Russia, should run their own domestic affairs, but undoubtedly, as well, accord to themselves what they see as their inalienable right to literally actually rectify, and basically by force if necessary, what they clearly arbitrarily for selfish reasons don’t like or approve of!

Effectively nothing new! For here in his own words what the half-breed British American, Winston Churchill distinctly and openly had to say about essentially non-whites globally. Taking into actual account that Winston Churchill was in effect an inured racist, and eugenicist! Here are Churchill’s actual words then.

“I truly do not agree, that the dog in the manger has the final right to that [said] manger even though he may have lain there for a long time. [Equally] I do not admit, for an instance, that [really] any great wrong was [truly] done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia! I don’t admit that a wrong has been done, to these people– by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place!”

Well, you simply can’t have it any more succinctly voiced than that! Racism and unquestionably delusional, master race supremacist attitudes, not only actually evidently apparent but likewise deeply embedded in clearly significantly large numbers of the white Caucasian race to this very day– yet, never questioned by these people, irrespective of how rather ignorant they are, even clearly to other members of their white tribe, and very specifically those they asininely and as well inappropriately look down on.

The USA might generally by the literally ill-informed, be regarded as a veritable  melting pot of the various human races but that’s quite misleading as the actual British barbarity effectively of basically quite evidently odious, colonial times is in essence unquestionably so distinctly discernibly and thoroughly endemic of those who effectively run the USA!

And it’s this psychopathic and crucially sociopathic as well as deeply ingrained psychopathic lot that run the USA in all those areas that really matter and also whose predatory mercenary obsession knows no bounds!

Consequently the USA in crucially most of its significant spheres, and clearly in close tandem with countries essentially like Britain and Israel notoriously– are all of them run by megalomaniac with large and demented egos and to whom uncaringly the rest of us are essentially just collateral damage!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
5 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The USA alone gives $14 billion dollars in so-called Aid annually while several millions of quite bona fide, US citizens are without basic health care assistance and are literally dying because of this.

The United Kingdom actually provides Israel with billions of Pounds Sterling, state of the art weapons, while clearly discernibly millions of British citizens, serfs or subjects, dependent on exactly how you personally view them in 21st Century, distinctly feudal monarchical Britain, cannot afford to basically heat their homes, properly or otherwise, as likewise significant numbers crucially survive only with the quite charitable assistance of food banks. And adding insult to injury, not only in the case of the British underclass but similarly as well the clearly genocidally wiped out Palestinians - this British government, has made a deal with Israel to actually assist that rogue state in the unlawful purloining of Gazan oil discovered off the official shores if Gaza; just as Tony Blair and George W. Bush odiously did in the Iraq, when with this discernibly principal theft in mind they criminally and barbarically invaded Iraq, clearly on the known false premise of it's very non-existent WMDs, that both Bush and Blair knew weren't there. But never the less despite over ONE million innocent Iraqis slaughtered and several millions more made clearly hapless refugees to this day; both Blair and Bush, and also the western companies they were very much in cahoots with are considerably better off financially; as are the west's Military Industrial Complex controlled principally by the USA!

To this day no USA government has had the decency nor the morality to tell the families of those barbarically killed by the Israelis during Israel's attack on the clearly non-belligerent USS Liberty: a United States warship in the Middle East off Palestine at the time, the truth about their dear ones evidently odious murder at the hands of these barbarians masquerading as human beings: neither also, have the American people been officially told! And if the USA government and quite also the requisite authorities that do know the truth can actually do this to their own citizens who vote them into office, why obviously then should any intelligent non-American, trust these self-evidently warmongering cunts to whom money is undoubtedly clearly far more important than principles. Shame on you USA: the self-professed leader of the Free World! Really? Pull the other one, it has bells on!

I'm no belligerent self-hater of the USA, a country which my very own ancestral homeland of Barbados, gave enormous support to, during its own Sterling fight for independence from Britain and that their first President George Washington greatly recognized and quite graciously thanked the single only country that he actually visited and stayed in outside of what afterwards became the USA. Don't just take my word for it, check it out for yourself and quite obviously what each and every Barbadian school kid simply clearly does know and significantly our well-kept contemporary archives show.

Additionally to all that a very principal aspect of the American Constitution: No taxation without representation is very discernibly taken from the Barbadian Treaty of Oistins 1652, and I do suggest that you really check both these factors out to show the close links that existed between Barbados, significantly the 13 American colonies and what thereafter subsequently became the USA. Likewise that it was Barbadians that founded the Colony of Carolina in 1663, so our links historically with the USA are strong.

But we Bajans are a proud and honest people and speak our minds regardless of who it's to. And literally as for myself I do actually have many relatives really on both my paternal and maternal side of my family who are born and bred US citizens, and not 1st generation either, but who go way back to those basically initial links. So I rather evidently don't need any lectures from 1st generation US whites or the other detritus from all those European lands that now literally infest the USA and think they crucially and exclusively own the USA. You don't and never will!

All I want to see is the USA pull it's very collective fingers out of its ass and very sensibly revert to the entity that it was and which my fellow Barbadians were quite proud to help! When our then PM and father of our Bajan nation proudly addressed the UN when Barbados did formally become a member following its independence also from Britain, in a brilliant and succinct speech our PM, a World War 2 esteemed RAF combatant Errol Walton Barrow had this to say as regards Barbados: "We will be a friend to everyone but never a servant to any one". It's the philosophy we live by as Bajans and is deeply entrenched in me.

Respect let alone questionably claiming to be influencing others actually has to be positively earned; not automatically expected or unquestionably granted as an inalienable right, simply because of who you think you are! Even if you do happen to be the country with actually the most nuclear weapons obviously on Planet Earth! Makes no difference at all to this Bajan!

#Greed #Haate

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