Author’s Remarks:
Politics should be about tackling serious and other key issues that impact on the daily lives of the citizens of the countries involved and where the politicians who’re democratically entrusted with such power apply it to conscionably deal with these issues in a mature and adult manner, and not aspire to joining or becoming members of ludicrously antiquated and privileged secret clubs that in reality have nothing to do with democracy or how effectively that country should be run; and I’m referring here specifically to the Privy Council. Unfortunately, however, that invariably is far from being the case and is itself often compounded by the fact that should anyone deviate from this accepted norm he or she rather than being seen as a welcome breath of fresh is on the contrary treated as a dangerous pariah and outcast that in no circumstances should be tolerated let alone belong to that assumed privileged club.
That’s exactly the position that Jeremy Corbyn found himself in and because he does see such behaviour as utterly reprehensible, refuses to countenance or indulge in it, and furthermore makes his views unambiguously known in relation to such matters is therefore viewed as a dangerous threat.
Now sensible and intelligent people don’t buy any of this nonsense and to assume or even assert that in the 21st Century this absurd form of outmoded behaviour should be seen and accepted as the fulcrum of civilized behaviour is rather nonsensical to say the very least. And popular though this conduct is with the overwhelming majority of snouts in the troughs MPs, Simon Danczuk among them; current or ex-public service officials financial pimps, of the “calibre” of John Scarlet, and the plethora of those that enthusiastically collude with each other and additionally go to great lengths to safeguard their own paedophilia practising, condoning and the intense safety of their friends comparable activities not only speaks volumes about these persons that in all conscionable terms constitute the individual and collective elements of the detritus of humanity that they undeniably are but also, in my opinion, equally demonstrate just how sick the country they infest is.
#CorbynJeremyMomentum #Politics