
The obscene and unearned wealth of the few set against the poverty of the many, callously allowed to starve!

By Stanley Collymore
What a sad and pitiable state the
world is currently and generally
in when people, and distinctly
children are knowingly allowed to live in
horrible poverty yet we have billionaires
brazenly and unwarrantedly so because
the wealth that they possess is actually
Inherited, and literally wasn’t created by
themselves, as ordinarily they evidently
and most undeniably wouldn’t have the
foggiest idea how to rather realistically
essentially go about actually achieving
any such feat; and moreover are rather
quite well known too, to be notoriously
workshy when it actually comes down
to earning their own livelihoods– quite
vainly but clearly noxiously also rather
pompously, parading themselves duly
as their peoples’ discernibly definitive
leaders, when they’re really unelected
figures; as they simply quite wantonly,
happily and shamelessly assiduously
keep on cheerfully living off the state
while also, very distinctly conceitedly,
taking to literally swanning around in
vulgar jewelry that cost millions, and
likewise designer outfits; plus on top
of that, ridiculously, wearing medals
very specifically so for nothing other
than cutting ribbons; or significantly
other than that, the planting of trees.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
2 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
The ignorant; intellectually challenged: the utterly gullible, the fatuously dim-witted; the totally braindead Karens and Gammons and the racially brainwashed and low-life toxic scum, really do nobody any favours other than those who rather malevolently and very egregiously routinely manipulate and cynically use them for their own vile and advantageous purposes by their own odious and toxic fawning and sycophancy to these people compounded by their pathetic worshipping of them.

But I guess when you're that stupid and moreover haven't got a worthwhile and productive life of your own; that's what to be expected I suppose, LOSERS!

#Greed #Hate

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