
The idiotic delusionalists’ perceived woke scoreboard at the ready!

By Stanley Collymore
I very seriously doubt that Nigel
Farage will win Clacton in the
very upcoming July 4, 2024
British General Election. These flurry of
ludicrous comments in support of this
toxically disingenuous, lying and quite
thoroughly, unquestionably dishonest
charlatan, are clearly symptomatic of
a naturally fatuous echo chamber for
the so-called silent majority; who are
crucially neither silent nor effectively
a majority! Rather a vile delusionally
sinister and rabid minority; who love
nothing better, than clearly shouting
at each other online and then rather
asininely, ludicrously and effectively
specifically very discernibly actually
self-evidently, convince themselves
that everyone else, obviously thinks
like them! This quite simply in spite
of the truly overwhelming evidence,
generally obviously, to the contrary!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
5 June 2024.

Author's Remarks:
After Nigel Farage's failure, once again, to be elected as an MP to the House of Commons, perhaps Keir Starmer as the new Prime Minister, could then appoint him as Ambassador to Israel. While the rest of us speculate on what his actual life expectancy will be!

Now that would be far more interesting to me, and similarly a clearly applicable and undoubtedly, evidently an obviously quite thoroughly, fittingly appropriate outcome, other than perhaps, Nigel Farage's actual and very imminent demise!

#Greed #Hate

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