Author's Remarks:
Crucially and highly significantly also much blame is pertinently laid at the feet of those who own, run and benefit substantially too from what's rather generally referred to as the Military Industrial Complex, and whose sole purpose is to make money through any means possible; so with them and their sort morals never come into the equation.
But just as bad and perhaps even far more evilly so are the absolutely quite discernibly intellectually challenged, clearly thoroughly gullible and invariably brainwashed and as well discernibly braindead morons who are so easily used to push the agenda of all those intimately associated with the clearly odious Military Industrial Complex .
And in Britain they're a disparate group of Empire loyalists, monarchical sycophants, failed UKIP aspirants and their discernibly Brexit equivalents and now the equally very Karen and likeminded Gammon distinctively racist, xenophobic and distinctly paedophile supporting; inebriate; quite unquestionably and characteristically too prolifically bastard producing; unmistakably discernibly, rather workshy and thus profusely, distinctively the principal beneficiaries of the dole and other social security benefits; individually as well as collective a massive dross to the positive, progressive and evidently beneficial welfare of the United Kingdom, and very predictably all under the cunningly, duplicitous banner of a wily hoodwinking, proverbial snake oil charmer, profitably for his own acquisitive purposes, reprehensibly using a personally registered company: REFORM as a political party.