Author's Remarks:
Every competent and professional teacher unquestionably and basically instinctively knows the difference between being very good friends with their pupils and students; and being discernibly, distinctively friendly with them! A lesson that self-evidently so, Rebecca Joynes either didn’t apprise herself of or otherwise quite literally didn’t care two figs about. Only she for certain knows the real answer to that state of affairs. It’s also a known fact that individuals of both genders with quite paedophiliac tendencies do tend to quite deliberately enter jobs or professions, where their access to children is a cast-iron guarantee. The other worrying problem requisite to Rebecca Joynes is that she got pregnant with the younger boy, 15 years old, after she was undoubtedly under investigation for her relationship with an older pupil. She’s 30 years old and it can be reasonably assumed that Rebecca knows about contraception; so effectively was this pregnancy of hers a concerted attempt, knowing that in all possibility she’d be found guilty of the first offence, to actually ensure she assumed that she wouldn’t get a custodial sentence? Worth thinking about that one!
However, Rebecca Joynes aside, what I distinctively find rather appalling as well as discernibly hypocritical are the surfeit of vitriolic comments coming from the distinctly usual sources in the Daily Mail and other rightwing rags rather invidiously castigating this young woman, when from past comments of theirs, actually depending on whom the target of the day is, as prescribed to them by the likes of the Daily Mail, they all of them like the lemmings they are do as they’re commanded to. No one quite evidently in their right mind applauds Rebecca Joynes for what she did; but obviously if the lot of you can look in the mirror and honestly tell yourselves that your very own, in most cases, private life is any better, then that’s the only occasion I feel that you can very realistically, and not hypocritically, jump on this invidious Rebecca Joynes currently rolling bandwagon.