
Stuff your meaningless and useless titles Liz Mountbatten; Meghan Markle neither needs nor wants them!

By Stanley Collymore
When the United States does
dump you Donald Trump -
real surname Drumpf -
you can always try your luck
with Britain, that the Daily
Express so categorically
states that in excess of
two thirds, of the UK
population– rather
gratefully I’m not
counted among
them, as I was
asked about
my opinion
relating to
this issue;
so keenly
Basically Donnie boy
you’ve obviously a
lot in common, as
it’s widely known, with
the upper echelons of
those who routinely
and birthwise very
conspicuously too
zealously preside
at will, over this
vile verminous,
so deliberately
systemic and racist
honed; a virulent
and fitting also
of a Dark-Ages
mindset, with
Furthermore, your own
tart of a mother Herr
Drumpf, scarcely
dissimilar in behaviour
from the multiplicity
of dodgy mistresses
and all the similar
wives roped into
your so pathetic
life that you so
sexually used,
was likewise
on her part
a twisted
Not so uncommon this
sort of racist conduct
among the horde of
white supremacists, sick
dimwitted master race
morons– notoriously
among them clearly
in actuality simply
not purely for the
logical reason of
keeping record
to fully, assure
one’s self that
another vile
Scottish git:
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons
that discernibly, had
similarly for basic
financial and rigid social
climbing reasons begat
her own two sprogs.
First Liz and next
sister Margaret.
The younger to
then publicly
promote her
and quite proudly
so with all traces
of vilely for her
tersely stifling
and so stuffy
put away.
While Margaret’s older
sibling; a discernibly
delusional, far from
what any sane and rational
person would objectively
denote as bright, for less
state was outstandingly
so, Dark Ages mindset
prat; ensconced from
the outset obviously
in a bogus, loveless
marital union; but
state subsidies as
usual constantly
in their twisted
grasping mind
vilely keeping up their
affected appearances
and, false, spurious,
rather blatant self-servingly
sourced public assurances
that theirs is a marriage
made in Heaven. No it
sorely isn't Elizabeth
Mountbatten! Even
when facilitating
the grisly set of
fabricated lies
pertaining to
the fall guy
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 October 2020.

Author's Remarks:
There are no more vile assholes than constantly pampered and thoroughly delusional ones - cue Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor and Donald Trump! Both of these two unfortunately born and irredeemably racist themselves to vile, endemically inured Scottish, racist mothers added in this white supremacist mixture to a paternal genealogy that comprised the worst aspects of a now obviously thoroughly democratically outlawed by the Bundesrepublik Deutschland - but then an invasive, destructive and a wholesale, repulsively murderous master race ideology quite fervently subscribed to by the overwhelming majority of Britain's 'elites ' including its monarchical Germanic family and the British aristocracy.

Repulsive, self-absorbed charlatans that they clearly were, when Nazism was officially defeated in Europe this 'british' scum disingenuously quickly and publicly changed their tune and conveniently jumped on the winning bandwagon, where, with their brood, they still are; but inwardly nowt has changed, for they're still odious Nazi cum fascists and entrenched racists.

So Liz Mountbatten-Windsor and the Donald Trump - real Germanic name is Drumpf - are ideologically similar. In fact they're soul mates! Accounts too for why Liz wants Donald to be re-elected and is idiotically blasting Meghan Markle, an authentic familial and a birth US citizen who has voted in her country's elections before, for getting involved in 'foreign' politics and supposedly tarnishing the image of Britain's allegedly apolitical royal family.

No intelligent person could talk shit like that and seriously get away with it. But prat brains Liz does - as she mendaciously sets the agenda for all the likeminded racists inside the panoply of fawning plebeian subjects and serfs whom she manipulatively controls with her divine right of monarchs' nonsense and, identically like her, can most vilely and quite unwarrantedly use Meghan Markle as a convenient diversion from their own sick agendas. In Liz's very own case, rather determinedly deflecting and influencing necessary criminal and vital public scrutiny away from the basically and rather universally believed, sexually predatory, illegal actions of her love child Andrew.

And as for the Windsor family being apolitical - what a bloody sick joke that is! Liz and son Charles gave the OK for Australia's then Governor General - nowt but a figurehead position in reality - John Fraser to very illegally on 11 November 1975 oust the obviously democratically elected Labour Party government of Gough Whitlam and instantly replace it with an unelected rightwing regime; as they felt Whitlam wanted Australia to become a democratic republic and was also keen on having more immigrants to Australia - all white of course, as no government or regime in an inured racist and entrenched genocidal mindset Australia would have any other immigrants but white ones settled there - but who weren't of British isles stock. And predictably neither Liz, Charles nor the fawning monarchical Antipodean elite nor their like in Britain could ever countenance that, handle it, or worst still for them all, accept it. So Gough Whitlam and his government had to be got rid of. And for Liz, Charles and the rest of the Windsors, then as now, the FIRM is everything; and fuck everyone else who doesn't agree.

Recently Liz also interfered in Scotland's independence referendum but as the High Commissioner for Barbados to Britain very succinctly pointed out - the day the Windrush Report came out was also the day the Commonwealth members had their scheduled meeting in London, and Liz was in attendance as the titular head of the same Commonwealth, that she obviously, wrongly and quite asininely deludes herself and similarly perceives to be a British Empire Mark 2; when in reality the Commonwealth is a voluntary association of independent nations some of whom were former members of the British Empire but no longer so, while others were never part of that British entity and with the vast majority of these countries as republics having their own indigenous head of state.

However, despite the quite shocking, disturbing and sickening details in that Windrush Report and fully known to Liz Mountbatten-Windsor, this insensitive and heartless cow studiously ignored it! Blacks self-evidently didn't matter to Liz, other than in her rather delusional, white master race and divine ruler perceived status, to preside over them as their irrefutable head of state. Not anyone longer with Barbados you won't, Liz!

As regards stripping Meghan of a title she was never awarded? Try this one on for size! Ian Botham and several others were awarded titles, not their wives; but convention clearly allows their wives to courteously be classed and also be referred to as ladies, whether these women etymologically match the actual requirements of that term or not.

Even that braindead and manifestly demented, attention seeking - to hopefully she thinks stay relevant - cunt, the so- called Lady Colin Campbell whose weird marriage lasted for only 5 minutes after which her titled husband dumped and divorced her, and is on public record as saying he thoroughly despises this vile, social climbing, evil piece of work - still, despite an acrimonious divorce, tenaciously clings on to the lady bit of her brief and former marriage, knowing full well that if she were to remarry - but who intelligently would have this grisly shrivelled up, truly old cow? - sho would have to forfeit the lady bit. Yet most ironically this wizened old git wants Meghan's non-existent and non awarded Duchess of Sussex title to be stripped from her by Liz! You just couldn't make shit like this up and be really taken seriously by people with functioning brains in their heads!

Liz can strip Harry of whatever titles she gave him but it won't ever, in the least, affect our Meghan, who is very clearly identical to the outstandingly formidable likes of Lewis Hamilton, Serena Williams, Kamala Harris, Oprah Winfrey, Barack and Michelle Obama, Usain Bolt and also the late and great Shirley Chisholm, Muhammad Ali, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman and Malcolm X - among several others - who never ever sought nor required the white man's praise, permission or his approval to confidently confirm and establish their innate greatness!

So do what you like with your rather meaningless and useless titles Liz Mountbatten-Windsor - and if asked my opinion I would happily suggest one place in your respective anatomies where you and your very dysfunctional and endemically racist family could firmly and permanently shove them - and, additionally too, demand that you stop your demented obsession with our Meghan Markle - our much preferred name for her, as it's hers and not a made up one - who we deeply love and admire as she naturally is, always was and will obviously carry on being so!

#Racism #SupremicismWhite

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