
Racism– The last refuge of all lowlife, hardcore intellectually challenged and gullible racist scum!

By Stanley Collymore
People power wins! The White
Hart pub in Grays London
whose publican very
vaingloriously put on permanent
display, a plethora or quite racist
golliwog dolls, boasted about his
actions and likewise also did the
same to the right wing rags, and
on social media, what he’d done
and would quite proudly he said
keep on doing so has closed its
doors, shortly after its suppliers
and drinkers boycotted the pub.
Fantastically people power has
won, in tandem with the ethical
actions of the White Hart pub’s
suppliers. A lovely response to
what racially happened. Thank
you, a great show and multiple
thanks, and congratulations all
of you, who’ve so marvellously
helped in clearly, putting these
toxically verminous, effectively
intellectually challenged; quite
lowlife morons out of business.
Let’s see now you evilly cretin
and trollop pair, how it literally
feels but essentially justifiably
feasible, on the receiving end.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
4 May 2023.
Author’s Remarks:
A lovely outcome so far but hopefully to be finalized soon by your respective obituaries!
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