
Private lives with public legacies

By Stanley Collymore
Let me hold you in my arms; shield and
protect you from harm with my love,
and comfortingly embrace you with the
multitude of expectations I have for us as
man and wife sharing a life together
for the rest of our lives: uniquely
and properly so; simply, because
it’ll be a model creation of
our very own. Yet in
commonality with others like us,
likemindedly in love and who
similarly in regard to themselves
astutely aspire to achieving the
same goals as we do, will
positively encourage
us to press on all
the more.
Fortified in the knowledge, for sure,
that love although evidently the
key to what we ultimately aim to
achieve, is even so not on its
own the totality of what
that end result will be: our
own distinctive contribution to
helping the world become
a better place; and not
just for the sake of
ourselves but
equally as well
the entire
© Stanley V. Collymore
15 January 2014.
For all those happily in love and firmly committed to creditable family and societal values. Dysfunctional or feral oiks not included; so please clear off!


Won’t it be nice and also a constructive gesture if we let our private lives serve as our public legacies for meaningful and lasting change?


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