By Stanley Collymore Ride the wild horses of fear And taste the thrill of Discovery! © Stanley V. Collymore
By Stanley Collymore Genuine love can sometimes be so overwhelming that most regrettably it doesn’t work out, and so unfortuna…
By Stanley Collymore You cannot be serious about being… whom in person you’ve neither seen… and the only communication that yo… with that individual, and even the…
By Stanley Collymore Please teach me about love, as thi… I’m experiencing within me is lite… For on the one hand I genuinely w… until I’m in a reciprocally meanin…
By Stanley Collymore There’s clearly a difference betwe… honesty and hate. And the honest truth is that Kate Middleton has hardly worked a full week in her e…
By Stanley Collymore All of your pathetic, quite uncari… relentlessly scaring and evidently exploitative life, you’ve actually so far quite indifferently and tir…
By Stanley Collymore Can seemingly normal human beings… actually are, but nevertheless mor… horrendous and utterly appalling m… as a result solidify into the odio…
By Stanley Collymore If it were easy to deliberately ma… say sorry and know that we’d be re… forgiven and our mistakes instantl… forgotten, do you think that
So you gave Harry full police protection when his wife and their classed as non-white children just aren’t around. That should tell any person with a functional and usable brain, everyt...
By Stanley Collymore For our incomparable leader Mr Je… don’t need meaningless or disingen… to him to recognize or accept eith… astuteness or his greatness– and w…
By Stanley Collymore If asked most people would honestl… dreams some of which are then tran… but whether or not the latter are… far-fetched delusions, in essence…
By Stanley Collymore For every man that has an affair there’s very similarly a woman willing to eagerly participate in the deception. So why then is i…
By Stanley Collymore Here’s the unadulterated and warpe… the British Nazi, police state in… ultimate totalitarian entity that… but oh so idiotically voted into o…
By Stanley Collymore Have the British peasants and their kin in their genocidally evily acquired dominions like delusionally perceived Terra
By Stanley Collymore My God! In Kate and William I’ve honestly in all my years never seen any two people more fucking plainly disinterested…