Author’s Remarks;
In previous articles that I’ve written I’ve unapologetically and forthrightly with convincing, unchallengeable and confirmable arguments made my views unequivocally clear that in all respects, bar one, I absolutely loathe Winston Churchill, and with very justifiable reasons. My thorough detestation of this most loathsome man stemming exclusively from who and what he actually was..
However, having scrutinized him most meticulously, and even though I am not an eugenicist, have never been or am I ever likely in a million light years to be, Winston Churchill’s deeply and passionately held views in this individual regard particularly towards substantial numbers of the white British subjects, as he saw them, I can’t help but avidly wish that he’d managed to implement his eugenicist programme, and in full, across Britain.
For had he done so, the overabundance of middle aged and elderly white scum that currently infest Britain wouldn’t be alive nor would the predominantly bastard offspring of nameless fathers that they routinely produced, and who like the vermin that they are simply contaminate everything that they come in contact with.
Germany during the Nazi era was a nightmarish place to be in, just as contemporary and 21st Century racist, Fascist and Nazi Britain likewise is. Loosing World War II was an eye-opener for Germany and enabled its citizens to properly and honestly come to terms with reality, as well as their demons and in the process of doing so become the realistic nation that they are.
A delusional Britain, or a dysfunctional United Kingdom as I see it, having kidded itself that it won Europe’s Second Internecine War labelled vaingloriously as World War II, - when in effect it had bugger all to do with the rest of the world, - and had it not been for in excess of ONE MILLION Indian, subcontinental armed forces, hundreds of thousands of BLACK African and Afro-Caribbean armed forces, millions of Russian who also died in that war against Germany and a belated USA whose own armed forces weren’t all-white as many of you sickeningly believed, Britain would have had its ass thoroughly kicked in by Germany and Edward VIII would have been replaced on the throne of the UK. That was the plan and the agreement he had with the Third Reich.
But you mother f---kers don’t learn! But then how can you when you’re the epitome of what lowlife is and is actually all about? Before he died Winston Churchill confidently stated that his eugenicist ambitions will ultimately come to fruition in the United Kingdom. And he was spot on with that.
And now that the clown Boris Keymal/Johnson’s Fascist and Nazi regime is in situ and with Dominic Cummings at the helm of it, even though rampant and deeply-ingrained eugenicist Andrew Sabisky may supposedly have gone, he hasn’t actually done so. And is very much in the background coordinating his eugenicist plans. Good luck to him I say, against all you idiotic lowlifes and categorical turkeys who voted for Christmas! Too stupid to realize that there is nothing special or superior about you and that you’re just lemmings being manipulatively used.