
Most things about Britain’s royal finances and wills are obviously never disclosed!

By Stanley Collymore
Do quit the outrageously hypocritical
and pathetically virtue-signalling
outrage you quite braindead,
gullible and rather easily manipulated Daily
Mail evidently stupefyingly idiotic morons!
The Windsors, who actually, constitute the
British monarchical family and discernibly
evidently obviously to whom your sort are
very partially, in your fatuous sycophancy,
towards; is a crucially, distinctively legally
protected species! And equally moreover
to some of you also, they’re literally gods
and goddesses; although rather sentient
and simply, logically intelligent elements
amongst our citizenry, do perceive them
as very thieving and toxically verminous
greedy dogs! But actually, regardless of
however, they are essentially perceived:
generally amicably or rather vitriolic ally,
common sense obviously dictates, that
they should not exclusively be allowed
to systematically hide, and literally get
away with brazenly doing so, what the
rest of us, as quite honest UK citizens
simply automatically, have to declare!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
12 November 2024.

Author's Remarks
The reality as it stands is that the Windsors in effect can't be voted out; similarly, neither can they be essentially overruled! Quite principally so because in actuality they truthfully answer to no one but themselves. A state of affairs in effect, which will continue, while the distinctly evidently, both metaphorically and discernibly obviously, quite similarly literally great British unwashed "sheeple", keep worshiping them!


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