
Mama: In mortal terms an exceptional lady; eternally and inspirationally a living Idol!

By Stanley Collymore
You lived a long and an exceedingly
rewarding life; a sentiment that
everyone who actually knew
or met you, instinctively respectfully and
significantly, most admiringly, gracefully
concurs with. Moreover somebody who
despite your very advanced age: ninety
five and a half years to be exact, when
essentially, you exited this earthly life,
had none the less occasioned on the
part of those, whose lives effectively
you unquestionably, very delightedly
and beneficially, played a massively
significant and constructive role in;
although understandably, naturally
and rather obviously appropriately
too fittingly intensely and actually
very literally emotional as well as
crucially heartfelt in their sorrow!
All the same, happily consoled
by the poignant, pleasurable
and the enduringly lasting
and strong evocative memories which
they shared and most warmly held of
you and most suitably constructively
they readily, most proudly and freely
admitted, have very significantly for
the better quite irrefutably and also
understandably and fundamentally
shaped their respective lives: both
individually, and collectively! Have
similary characteristically, literally
very steely and spontaneously, in
reference to themselves, and the
crucial benefits, which they have
accordingly rather pertinently on
account of your various multiple
asset and cleverly outstandingly
beneficial endeavours, did quite
routinely and rather pleasurably
receive, have predictably but all
the same, naturally endearingly
thoroughly but understandably,
collectively and spontaneously
lovingly engagingly pledged to
quite permanently respect and
most enduringly revere for the
continuance of their own lives.
Expectantly so and pleasurably
no surprise at all to me, as I
was clearly, cognizant of
all this; and rather appreciatively, totally
admiringly, actually undeniably lovingly
and distinctly quite proudly so and not
just because you, Madam were clearly
a quite exceptional unmistakably also
courageously inspirational, manifestly
unquestionably a distinctly influential
and significantly brave! Irrefutably, an
empathetic, industrious, undoubtedly
outstandingly moral and an evidently
warm-hearted Christian, and actually
forgiving woman. But rather crucially
and hugely, distinctly significantly so
to me my beloved and lovable Gran!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
2 July 2023.

Author's Remarks:
We were all of us as Homo sapiens most irrefutably born as mortals. Nevertheless, some of us throughout our prescribed life time have exceptionally and quite hugely commendably acquired the perspicacity and determination to both skilfully and beneficially exceed the customary roles and limited expectations of your average Homo sapiens.

Gran - who I affectionately called Mama - was most outstandingly therefore lovingly, admiringly, respectfully and undoubtedly, thoroughly acknowledged by all those who met and knew her personally, as one such remarkable person!

#Gratitude #Love #Respect

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