
Love, the elegant antithesis to the irrefutably, villainous perturbations of Hate!

By Stanley Collymore
By virtue of its discernibly quite
innate characteristics Love is
perceptibly very instinctive
and naturally simply reassuring. Hate,
however, in obviously and undeniably
so an unarguable contrast, is fittingly
rather markedly, unquestionably and
unrelentingly, distinctly prescriptive!
For unlike Love whose general remit
and actually voluntary commitment,
simply is to evidently literally and as
well equally thoroughly inspire, fully
generate and sustain wherever and
whenever possible an eager feeling
of genuine self-assurance; crucially
a literal consummate affability and
appropriate responsibility for one’s
own actions and quite distinctively
too the instinctive bonding of such
personal qualities for, and likewise
to the selfless advantage of others.
Hate, for its part, is self-evidently,
simply purposefully malignant;
egregious in its actions, at
every affordable opportunity; and while
efficaciously ploughing its wanton way
along the literally ingrained furrows of
jealousy, invidious envy, and the vilely
wilful progeneration of any and every
possible calamity, actually cheerfully,
keenly, undoubtedly, and mercilessly
congratulatorily, irrefutably presents
itself whenever crass barbarity and
basically its accompanying carnage
unquestionably specifically become
the efficacious, or relevant currency.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
5 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The evidently, innately sterling qualities of my clearly distinctly proud Barbadian Culture has discernibly firmly imbued in me a rather strong, personal ethos; that I should never hate anyone despise, by all means, relevant individuals who truly deserve great loathing; but to go on and obviously hate them or crucially anyone else for that matter, never! And actually so, because to rather vindictively utilize one's time, precious or nor, in idiotically, asininely and often essentially counterproductively hating anyone, only ultimately reduces one's own self inevitably to quite simply being really the actual despicable figure that one ironically is employing to really in effect castigatorily lambast and also equally evidently vitriolically demean or denounce one's chosen target for quite simply being themselves.

The rationale behind all this being that if you are being hateful yourself, how then can you honestly condemn others for behaving in precisely the same way that you're deeply engrossed in actually behaving yourself? It makes no sense whatsoever to me, and your subjectivity is quite skewed to say the very least. A classic case of do as I say or suggest but evidently not as I do!

Despising someone however is simply a literally wholly different and objective ball game because it's not based solely on subjective and very often thoroughly bigoted emotions or persuasions really as hate unequivocally and similarly also is; but instead quite logical, intelligently and rather solidly and simply irrefutably garnered facts, on which one can quite sensibly, and should always do so, base their own thoroughly objective analysis and obviously, intelligently constructive determination.

So exactly when are you distinctively as such effectively going to obviously climb down off the several, rather calculatedly orchestrated populist, very inane and utterly fatuous and basically ill conceived bandwagons of hate that you so idiotically love climbing aboard onto, even when you don't know, evidently haven't met or are ever in your life time or theirs ever likely to meet - ring any bells with you? - because of a lack of your own actually poor self-esteem? Just try it! It might very well even make you a half decent person!


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