Author’s unapologetically and frank comments:
If the rightwing, fascist, Nazi, Labtory and dim-witted morons within our public who disingenuously at best and invariably fraudulently claim that it’s alright the Labour Party having principles, which we know are anathema to these purblind cunts, but those principles don’t win elections, then why should a proper Labour Party prostitute itself by winning elections and then with the likes of those who have usurped it not do anything for the very people, the working masses, that elected it to government to look after their interests but instead self-interestedly see and have the likes of Harriet Harman and all her fucking front bench Labtory interlopers and utterly brain-dead twats like Liz Kendall link up with the Nazi Tories – that they’re essentially at heart part of – to impose unwarranted austerity on the poorest within our communities while giving massive tax breaks to the wealthiest in our society and bailouts to those who fucked us up economically in the first place, like the banksters?
That makes as much sense to me as some pathetic blighter marrying a serial, most odious and grasping gold-digging hooker, jeopardizing his bought and paid for home and other hard earned assets in the process because he gets this recurring and massive hard on and thinks he needs an urgent fuck and that’s the only way he idiotically assumes he can get one; yet knowing perfectly well that this gold-digger will assiduously bleed him for everything he has and leave him high and dry when she’s got everything she wanted.
And isn’t this what everyone of these Labtories from mass murderers Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Miliband to the current conspiratorial with the Tories ones, like Harriet Harman, Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and the utterly vile Liz Kendall - who should all with hindsight have been suffocated at birth - are doing to you? Let’s face facts; they’re shagging you good and proper!