
It’s not just brainwashed voters but also undemocratic MPs and councillor scum who’re the problem!

By Stanley Collymore
Loyalty whenever it’s volunteered should be clear-sightedly
given and not done so blindly let alone unconditionally,
just as treachery mustn’t be a badge to instinctively,
unscrupulously and self-servingly be worn because in
doing so the current and even the foreseeable odds
of such activity only goes to favour the ill-gotten
and much more easily attainable and personal
acquisition of financial rewards which you
idiotically convince yourselves you need
but that others having scrutinizingly observed the
pattern of behaviour you’re indulging in and
furthermore are promoting in tandem with
what you’ve already done and are still
carrying on doing is synonymous to
nothing less than unconscionable
and rapacious greed. And quite
frankly is something that no
valid civilized country or
society or aspiring to be
one and consisting of
real meritocratic as
well as truthfully
democratic and
people need!
© Stanley V. Collymore
23 September 2016.

Author’s Comment:
I wholeheartedly support Jeremy Corbin and what he’s trying to do for Britain and its citizens. Note I’ve uses the word citizen and not subject as I’m NOT one of the latter, never have been or will I ever be! And having through an email received an invitation from Momentum HQ, which I think overall is doing a grand job politically, to attend a Momentum meeting in Crawley, as I was in Britain I decided to do so. What a bloody waste of time and wasters! For here was, for the most part on parade what is bloody wrong with Britain. A bunch of detritus nonentities for the most part of councillors who would make the Nazis look like choirboys and girls boasting in the case of one female nerd that she was a Crawley councillor for 30 years, hates Jeremy Corbyn and doesn’t see what role he has to play in the Labour Party. Stuff right out of rightwing media, as this cunt couldn’t think for herself even if it were to save her life!

A strong and unthinking Progress member – the Blairite group – she saw Momentum along with others helping Jeremy Corbyn as a party within a party or entryists. Not Progress or the other pseudonym entities set up by Progress to persuade even Sun readers to vote for Owen Smith. But when dealing with intellectually challenged pillocks like this one it’s clear that they can’t differentiate between right and wrong. Progress led and run by war criminals and mass murderers who should be behind bars for the rest of their pathetic life – if they were Black or African the ICC would ensure that they were but when you’re white, Nazi and a Zionist to boot no way - is perfectly fine; not so however is being a proper member of Momentum. And the list of these pillocks asinine and lame excuses being paraded as arguments went on.

Meanwhile the guy who chaired the Momentum meeting, and I’m being exceedingly generous here, I wouldn’t put him in charge of a public lavatory let alone trust him with anything else. He hadn’t a clue of what he was doing and frankly is your typical jobsworth asshole who can only see things through the prism of his stupidity! Collectively, with two notable exceptions of those that attended this meeting apart from myself, these were your typical delusional 18/19th Century-mindset nerds who continue to asininely think and even believe we’re living in that period of time when Britain dominated the world and can’t accept that the empire has gone, never to come back and good riddance I say. And who I’m positive are all Brexiteers who thought that when they voted to exit the EU Britain the next day would be emptied of NIGGERS like me and others who don’t look like them. DREAM ON PURBLIND CUNTS!

And to those who have in good faith joined MOMENTUM in Crawley or Horsham you have my utmost sympathy. And to those who haven’t, do support Momentum elsewhere if you can but keep to fuck away from dozy Momentum in the Crawley-Horsham area and equally so delusional Crawley councillors like the one who boasted she’s been on the council for 30 years. Well Jimmy Savile was doing his thing for almost 50 years, so that doesn’t say anything does it, prized idiot? And longevity Ms Longstanding Councillor doesn’t equate to competence, ability, intellectual acumen or commonsense. None of which YOU have!

And finally, we have a government elected under David Cameron with 22% of the 41% or so who bothered to vote. That’s not democracy nor is it by any means legitimacy, but under our corrupt past the post system it apparently is. And when this silly Crawley Cow who boasts that she has been on the council for 30 years, I’m sure that if you add up her percentage of the votes garnered at any election that she “won” then it’ll be a pretty paltry total, as at most only 6% of people bother to vote in council elections. So please woman fucking well grow up and get a grip on reality!In marked contrast and in the short time that Jeremy Corbyn who you boast that you dislike has been leader of the Labour Party he has generated hundreds of thousands of people into joining the Labour Party which is now one of the largest political movements in the entirety of Europe not just Britain. How many voters has this prized twat motivated I wonder? Answers on the back of a postage stamp.

But as long as Britain has leaders, according to this brainless moron and the others like her at that meeting in Crawley, who gratuitously knock the shits out of those who inhabit the Global South, purloin the local citizens natural resources, grotesquely and massively enrich themselves and all the rest of it that’s leadership in their fucking sick minds of cunts like this Crawley councillor and others. Jeremy Corbyn was right on Iraq, on Libya and Syria. And you know what, all you delusional, white exceptionlist morons lets give Johnny Foreigner a good kicking with you sadistic concept of life, and with your empire loyalty stickers welded on to your chests, here’s a piece of advice from me – JUST FUCK OFF! You’ve had you day! For Britain will change one way or another and if violently there are not enough cops, security service members etc to protect you and your families 24/7 365 day a year. The killer only has to get it right just the one time.Just think on that you pathetic lowlifes and let those who really want to make Britain a country fit for civilized human beings and not the detritus that you are to live in get on with the serious and important task of doing so!


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