
Is there nothing immoral or self-servingly financial that this Turk: Boris Kamal, alias Johnson, literally won’t do?

By Stanley Collymore
Charities are always run by and
largely benefit millionaires, so
intelligent folk, as apart from
brainwashed, quite intellectually
challenged and even braindead
morons, don’t need a Sherlock
Holmes type figure to discover
who rather substantially does
basically, receive most of this
disingenuous, charity money.
Clearly there are several uber
quite disgustingly financially
wealthy Ukrainians, on this
planet already so basically
also similarly distinctively
rather literally; how then
if a former British Prime
Minister were evidently
rather crucially looking
instead, distinctly very
much closer to home,
on just one occasion?
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 October 2022.

Author's Remarks:
The first goal of most charities and British ones especially is to literally provide an excellent financial living for its undeniably, privileged board members; and rather laughingly so before they even dishonestly think of their particular cause! Criminally backed, of course, by this odiously self-serving and undoubtedly most unfit for purpose purportedly elite, arbitrarily set up, and duplicitously in situ Quango, asininely called the Charities Commission.

Meanwhile, the USA born and also immigrant Turk Boris Kamal, alias, Johnson - basically irony evidently totally lost on these racist Karens and their cuckolded or laughably azoospermiac Gammons who so rabidly declare their very intense public hatred of all those, whom they vitriolically always distinctly categorize as odious, verminous immigrants yet idiotically and as well, unmistakably conveniently overlooking the blatant actuality that Boris is an immigrant to the UK - all the same, rather actively encourages him in his laughable proselytizing drama as the idiot, quintessential Englishman; plus likewise a glory seeking Churchill act.

Synonymously like the bounteous cheques that the Idiot US maggots daftly keep on sending for Donald Drumpf's 2024 election campaign. Money that will straightaway vilely go into this fat Turk's Boris' pocket to raise his known and undeniably unknown bastard kids; while, also, quite distinctively securing a good life for himself; with an essentially obvious cut for Zelenksy naturally to say that it's all genuine to keep the money flowing in! So crucially brilliant (NOT) you racist and such feudally mindset British serfs and your purported genocidal kin are!

#DelusionsOfGrandeur #Greed #Racism #Warmongering

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