
Interesting and funny isn’t it when the vile undertakings of evil white Brits and their sort come back to haunt them!

By Stanley Collymore
So the predictable doomsayers
are rather vitriolically pointing
out, from their quite skewed
extrapolation of the facts that in 40
years’ time at the very most, white
school children will evidently be a
minority, not just in England itself
but effectively as well throughout
the literal entirety of Britain. Dear
oh dear; oh woe are they! These
distinctly being exactly the same
white morons who actually can’t
grasp the evidently glaring irony
of exactly what they’re saying or
that their kind were, and still are
the evilly odious ones that quite
uninvited; significantly and also
crucially through their genocide
and other significantly, barbaric
acts of inhumanity so evidently
in particularly obviously, rather
close and intimate association
with their simply self-indulgent
emigration effectively still very
currently ongoing of course to
Australia, the USA, noticeably
Canada; individually and also
undeniably quite undoubtedly
too collectively example-wise
in so dramatically completely,
and permanently, it’s actually
safe to say changed not only
the demographic but literally,
and crucially, the indigenous
formation of these countries!
None more so than your scum
ancestors to Australia, who
even had the bloody and
delusional audacity, on their arrogant
and white supremacist terms to even
effectively egotistically, set about the
unilateral refurbishment obviously of
a clearly well-populated country and
self-evidently, rather indigenous too,
into their renamed Australia: a quite
idiotically perceived, in their literally
sick, white minds, this Terra nullius,
country; totally devoid of any living
human beings; until, of course, the
white man and his woman actually
distinctly significantly and crucially
barbarically as it evidently and, as
well, subsequently also transpired
did fittingly, arrive there. A fatuous
ongoing fiction, that superciliously
and naturally, arrogantly occupies
the facile, and also convict inured
minds of truly significant numbers
of inane, intellectually challenged
Aussies and their rampant British
kin admirers. Never mind that the
indigenous Aborigines have lived
and are still doing so: those, who
have blessedly rather fortunately
survived their own white inflicted
holocaust, for crucially in excess
of 66 thousand recurrently years
before any white man or woman
knew of what they superciliously
renamed as Australia, or equally
its native people, the Aborigines.
The same situation likewise
with New Zealand and its
own indigenous people
the Maori; similarly too, Canada and, as
well, the USA; where their own obvious
indigenous people are very essentially
for anyone who wants to see, a totally
ignored people, quite inside their very
own countries. A clearly contemptible
and effectively too contemptuous list
that abundantly carries on! However
all the same and literally essentially
quite conveniently so, these clearly
prized assholes inside Britain, who
simply unbelievably are vitriolically
and really wretchedly complaining
unstoppably about a future dearth
of impeccably white pupils, within
our British schools– conveniently
so as usual when it actually suits
them and their utterly sick, racist
agenda; forget their own savage
history, and its most horrendous
results globally. Declaring every
time when it’s factually properly
pointed out, that history is aptly
what it is; and can’t, be undone!
Really? Just learn from it they
will unwillingly admit when
push does truly come to
shove. Well, perhaps now, non-whites
in Britain together with the intelligent
and non-racist, white Britons that are
marrying them and crucially creating
their very gorgeously, brown-skinned
offspring actually quite distinct from
your evilly disturbingly biased notion
of what children ought really, to truly
look like: pink effectively or white as
you label them; while constructively,
the parents of these distinctly Black
and other irrefutably non Caucasian
kids are fittingly, learning, from your
own odious white past and suitably
creating their own history in Britain.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
13 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Britain's population is currently 67 million people in total, 95% of which are white and the other 5% non-white. Britain also has the largest number of births in the so-called developed western world; significant numbers of which, largely among whites are bastard offspring, the result of multifarious relationships between whites themselves, as well as teenage pregnancies and abortions, and familial incest which is on the increase.

Non-white kids in the UK schools, those that aren't routinely expelled for ludicrous offences that white kids naturally get off Scot free or aren't seen as or raised ever as infractions of school rules, are all the same legally entitled to be educated in the UK as they're British born and likewise are UK Citizens.

Most whites in the UK see themselves as undoubtedly British when in reality they are just ephemerally so, in reality being the descendants or offspring residue of European pogroms carried out by their own kind escapees or likewise refugees from Europe's 20th Century holocaust, and until given sanctuary in Britain had no links to the UK culturally or in terms of financially making any contribution whatever to the country that saved their pitiable and pitiful lives.

But it doesn't stop them though from masquerading and proselytizing themselves as authentic and even irrefutably entrenched Britishers, attendant with their contrived anglicized names and facetious British airs, while most hypocritically having an inured and odiously vile hatred against Blacks and other non-whites who races and them as the descendants of these people, saved these interlopers grandparents, parents and even their own sorry asses from extermination in places like Auschwitz, Belsen Bergen and Dachau, for example, during Europe's internecine wars hailed as World War 1 and 2, when effectively they had nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of the world generally.

Welcome to some of these charlatans: Tom Bauer, name changed to Bower to wilfully anglicize it and make this overt Yid racist appear "English"; Michael Hecht, name change to Howard for same reasons and with same ethnic background as Tom Bauer; Dominic Raab, same racist views but at least he had the decency to keep his family name; both Milibands; and good old Turk, USA born Boris Kemal and his biological family, name change to Johnson and Eton "educated". All of whom ironically and stupidly hate "immigrants". The fucking lot of them should get hold of a decent English dictionary and get a full understanding as well as the real meaning in etymological terms what immigrant actual means, and see that it has bugger all to do with skin colour, ethnic or racial origins.

There's no way that in 40 years’ time or less Black and other non-white British school children are going to outnumber white ones with the UK's population demarcation as it is and despite the fact that unlike the majority of Black and non-white kids in the UK who value education, the same attitude isn't as intense among whites, and specifically those from the so-called white working classes; but even so under UK they still have to attend school until the legal expiration date for doing so, 16, is reached. But we all know many of them don't comply with this diktat and essentially the powers that are don't bloody well care about these serfs. For as long as their parents, assuming they actually know who they are, and later themselves prop up the monarchical and entrenched class system such an integral part of the UK's way of life, the establishment doesn't care; and why should they as the only beneficiaries do?

For simply put education to these gullible and manipulatively used morons is really in truth, a foreign country! But the entire fiasco is ideal for right-wing rags and media; and naturally perfect clickbait and massive financial remuneration for the Daily Mail that facetiously ran this story; knowing full well how intellectually challenged their controlled pillocks are.

But even if part of what has been said in that Daily Mail article is true, isn't it the height of irony with genocidal acquired, non-European countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA having treated, and still doing so, their indigenous populations the way they have and are ongoingly doing, for these whites or whites generally, and more so specifically British ones - real or the surfeit of risibly bogus proselyting ones - whose white kin quite literally do infest these barbarically acquired countries and are crucial elements in the horrendous and inhuman treatment of these countries indigenous populations to be actually complaining about the perspective numbers of Black and other non-white kids in UK schools in 40 years’ time? Sensible and intelligent people would be applauding such an educative move and thoroughly pleased that the UK is not only becoming rightfully inclusive but a modern entity as well! But oh no; not these fawning, brownnosing sycophantic lot to their perceived divine monarchical and hereditary superior betters. How more fucking daft can the lot of you already prized assholes get? Lol! greed,

#Greed #Stupidity

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