
Intellectually challenged, tall story fabricators very ludicrously masquerading as skilled journalists!

By Stanley Collymore
Imagine labelling yourself a
journalist, or even actually
quite obviously absurdly
being unquestionably also regarded as
one; someone, whose job is principally
to actually type, and likewise distribute
stories, and yet you literally haven’t the
slightest notion of, or any undoubtedly
comprehensive grasp, of what correct
and actually properly utilized grammar
and its irrefutably, associated spelling
are; plus attendantly, and undoubtedly
quite incredibly so even with the most
efficacy on your part how to obviously
effectively, sensibly beneficially utilize
the obvious and really crucial benefits
distinctly of a grammar or spell check
or put bluntly what they’re actually for.
Yet this natural aberration of yours
evidently and rather distinctively
never fails in your supposedly
transformative pieces fittingly targeted
at those racist Karens; their discernibly
quite invariably like-minded, cuckolded
male Gammons, and the unmistakably,
sickeningly surfeit of brazenly toxically
verminous, maliciously egregious cum
thoroughly rightwing and actually Nazi
aficionado obnoxious haters and aptly
noxious loser scum; liberally and quite
gullibly too, gleefully ensconced in the
specious parameters of the Daily Mail.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 August 2023.

Author's Remarks:
When one distinctly and unmistakably becomes discernibly endemically and equally likewise instinctively convinced that what they actually read in the Daily Mail - quite clumsy grammatical errors, and spelling errors included - evidently bears any resemblance to the truth, or semblance of it, then as someone who once trained, and evidently in the days when the NHS generally and also its hospitals specifically were crucially essentially efficiently run by competent professional personnel and not as very presently the case incompetent, highly useless and nepotistic placement, and practised as a psychiatric nurse, quite obviously to me such distinctly gullible sycophants are in dire need of serious psychiatric treatment.

But what basically gets me, additionally really, as a bona fide university qualified journalist and an English Academic that has clearly taught my speciality English and correspondingly English Language, essentially as a foreign language, both specialities at every conceivable level - secondary, tertiary and postgraduate university levels as well as distinctively societal extra-curricular projects which I've initiated or have otherwise crucially been officially involved in - I find it most sickening that those who ludicrously do asininely and extraordinarily, discernibly fatuously claim this undoubtedly rather identical English Language as basically and most repulsively clearly specifically their very own, and accordingly all other users of it irrespective of how evidently competent they are in English, or where clearly they were born, to these low-life, intellectually challenged cretins fittingly such persons are rather unquestionably always vitriolically odiously denounced generally as immigrants or foreigners!

So ironic coming from those that rather obviously are themselves categorically, most undeniably thoroughly perceptibly lacking the actual basics of the English Language - “innit"?

Daily Mail headline story on Sunday 27 August 2023: "King Charles plans to act twenty per cent of middle managers working for the Royal Household, affecting dozens, in a boost to drive efficiency and save money for the taxpayer."

Apart from being at best quite patently at least a disingenuous PR lie and also a load of obviously contrived bullshit; perhaps you'd like to point out the quite awful grammatical and spelling error in this so-called journalistic piece. Rather assuming that you can, of course!

#Incompetence #Stupidity

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