By Stanley Collymore Western politics in the hands of a… by imperialistically indoctrinated… and Nazi Zionist capitalism promo… beneficiaries have seen the latter…
By Stanley Collymore Having you daily in my thoughts Is a preoccupation that takes Up much of my time, But then it’s also
By Stanley Collymore Gale force winds rampaging wilfull… exercised and malevolent spree, an… this contemptible and maliciously… duress and deleterious jamboree gi…
By Stanley Collymore Deserted and callously abandoned b… you cowardly didn’t have the guts… to stand up to your domineering pa… courageously tell them that it’s y…
By Stanley Collymore Hate comes readily enough and reve… perceived wrongs with a similar in… haste; but neither requires though… any reason for its existence—
By Stanley Collymore Rishi Sunak: the British colonial overlord, arrives in Northern Ireland to aptly lay down the law. Good luck essentially wit…
By Stanley Collymore The true reasons for our actions are often unclear even in the most thoughtful minds— the repercussions of
By Stanley Collymore From my personal but very observant and detached perspective I’ve truly nothing against losers, Brexiteers…
By Stanley Collymore Two obviously very much in love with each other people, living their best lives together; and yet you speciou, thoroughly vi…
By Stanley Collymore In the middle of a cost of living crisis Kate Middleton spends 1000.00 Pounds Sterling on a single wear outfit when she
The Daily Mail should actually seriously, really take a respite and obviously stop, even if only temporarily so, patronizing the surfeit of largely white morons that literally infest Br...
By Stanley Collymore I’ll not compromise my principles… to gain popularity, and hope you’l… it in you not to ask me to. For wi… principles to serve as the bulwark
By Stanley Collymore Look at the vast number of police officers they have guarding the door of what’s undoubtedly a rather posh private hospital! Sh…
By Stanley Collymore What a sad and pitiable state the world is currently and generally in when people, and distinctly children are knowingly allowed to…
By Stanley Collymore The Cardinals have spoken, their… to a new Pope on whose shoulders t… spiritually and ethically, of glob… firmly rests. And amid the celebra…