
Stating the obvious then wilfully sidestepping the crucially, requisite harsh penalties is futile virtue signalling!

By Stanley Collymore
Britain’s truly unquestionably dreadful
societal problems predictably but
regrettably and sadly started
decades ago with distinctly evidentiary
conscionable and decently motivated
teachers not being allowed anymore
to effectively chastise much less so
lay a crucially disciplinary finger on
what then were and still are to this
very day, evidently and undeniably
literally utterly disruptive children.
This undoubtedly ludicrous state
of affairs discernibly and quickly
stupidly ensued by a universally,
and specifically very ludicrously
coercively implemented ban on
all parents, grandparents, other
close family members such as
aunts and uncles or even legal
guardians aptly ever justifiably
really physically, reprimanding
wayward and abusive children.
The result of all this and simply
more of these sorts of idiotic
and similarly, bureaucratic
edicts essentially being, that children,
relatively early, and fully knowing the
score, consequently feel untouched
and undeniably so, as regards their
outlandishly bad behaviour; which
effectively untampered with does
naturally escalate with time from
undoubtedly minor misbehaving
to deliberate criminal offending!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
8 October 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Hardly a surprising scenario across Britain societally where the pathetic I'm self-entitled mind set, effusively so from the odious surfeit of quite intellectually challenged distinct Karen and Gammon morons is that everyone has rights but with the attached corollary in their quite obviously sick minds of absolutely also unquestionably not having any required responsibilities.

I wholeheartedly agree with and totally support what Stephen Watson: current Chief Constable, as it happens, of the Greater Manchester Police is sensible and very astutely saying. However the vast majority of those in their evidently undeniably viable positions to actually do something concrete and discernibly permanently concrete about this quite pernicious situation, namely the surfeit of politicians at all levels nationally and locally and likewise of all political hues; the most senior police officers usually, nationally; those ensconced within the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) as a matter of habit; the similarly discernibly sick and utterly corrupt magisterial and judiciary service attendant with the very like-minded probationary service are all beneficiaries of the same quite odious system that obviously every intelligent and thinking person knows is blatantly wrong!

And consequently actually asking these self-entitled, acutely nepotistic and also cronyism induced type figures who are in their controlling positions, precisely because of their connections and never their capabilities - because essentially they quite realistically have none of any true value to man or beast - to actually see their faults or even more tellingly to readily acknowledge, and quite literally dispense with them is effectively, rather obviously for the vast majority of them, far more than the proverbial bridge too far to essentially approach much less so actually attempt to cross. Therefore nothing constructive will ever be rather necessarily undertaken or really done!

The equivalent really of having Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell type figures for example, in virtual control obviously of children's welfare organisations or likewise too those of haplessly trafficked young girls and women. Such transitions in medievally mind set, societally and sycophantic, class structured Britain isn't going to happen anytime soon! Therefore get used to it, if you haven't already done so!

#Hypocrisy #Stupidity

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