
Evil comes in all shapes, sizes, racial origin and biological gender!

By Stanley Collymore
Crimes against humanity, never
were and still aren’t the sole
preserve of non-whites
either collectively or globally, nor simply
just as asininely, as presumed by some,
were there, when discernibly relative to
white Caucasians, just really, a one-off
activity instigated by a genuinely mad
Austrian fantasist effectively passing
himself off then as an Aryan German.
Brutally frank Britain too, is a country
whose history, past and present, and
over multiple centuries is undeniably
significantly profusely, and distinctly
barbarically very generously littered
with such atrocities aplenty globally.
And here in the 21st Century the UK
and its western allies, are anxiously
but firmly never the less, protecting
two naturally, significantly principal
war criminals basically comprising
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, both
of whose activities, make those of
Herr Adolf Hitler very undoubtedly
look actually innocuous and Hitler
himself to be a relative amateur in
what he was quite allegedly doing.
Both Blair and Brown together
with George W. Bush should
realistically be languishing
permanently in jail until they essentially
actually died but don’t hold your breath
on that one as it literally won’t happen.
But essentially Tony Blair and Gordon
Brown simply aren’t the only revolting
and present, British mass-murderers;
as really all of the other contemporary
UK Prime Ministers: with the notable
exception of John Major are actually
crucially obviously in the same boat;
rather rigidly simply entrenched with
the same elitist devotion to self and
what they very criminally, believe in;
reinforced by their perceived totally
infallible, but nevertheless in reality
delusional beliefs solely relating to
their wholeheartedly held, all white
evidently master race, supremacy!
And most laughably, if it wasn’t so
vilely sickening, it’s the pathway
that wannabe Zionist PM and
leader of the UK’s House of Commons
Official Opposition, quite evidently too
the actual, Labour Party– although he
and his chums are actually Labtories,
and the so-called Labour Party really
is quite essentially Conservative-lite,
Keir Starmer simply not just fittingly
emulates his crucial puppet master
Tony Blair, but also sycophantically
considers himself to be Blair’s heir.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 October 2023.

Author's Remarks:
To very arbitrarily quite distinctly pick on obviously innocent people, irrespective of their race, nationality, skin colour, the locality they rather essentially originate from; the religion they choose to follow or opt not to, is unquestionably wrong, and as such there are no moral or any conscionable excuses for such odious and toxically verminous behaviour. Also in the same mode of reasoning to quite literally, either passively or actively use any of the above to arbitrarily and quite unfairly or illegally achieve one's end is simply to be unequivocally condemned.

And the latter bluntly is the problem, in my view, relative to all these repulsive and sickeningly odious virtue signalling cretins and, distinctly selective outrage morons having a go quite selectively at Germany with ill-judged and discernibly intellectually challenged remarks which bear no reality to common sense, basic intelligence or any semblance whatever of history, realistically.

Between 1904-1908 Germany obviously carried out what was quite the very first holocaust of the 20th Century evidently in what was then its African colony of Southwest Africa, now the independent state of Namibia. Over 80% of the quite indigenous population, the Herero and the Namagua were clearly intentionally and very systematically eradicated. All you simply have to do is Wikipedia this information, but I'm positive in my mind that the overwhelming majority of you selective outrages won't! Principally so, because it doesn't tie in with your evilly, sick and delusional, white supremacist narrative. But that's really your problem and not in least my own. However, I will say this; Shark Island, geographically a part of Southwest Africa, aka Namibia, was the absolutely deadly precursor for places across Europe that you're quite evidently familiar with, and exclusively as well wholeheartedly empathize with. Similarly, it wasn't until exactly well over 100 years after Germany's crucially first holocaust in Africa that Germany rather reluctantly apologized for what actually happened, doing so in vague terms, but to this very day unlike in the case of its instituted holocaust in Europe basically no Widergutmachen compensation, at all, unlike such payments being paid to what are quite essentially Zionists and very few who're actually real practising followers of Judaism, as in the African case the European one has seen only purported Jews and none of the other millions of European holocaust victims getting a single Deutschmark/Euro.

So to those of you asininely blaming, as you always do, "immigrants" for clearly everything that goes wrong in Europe, let me unequivocally say this to you. Those who persecuted European Jews and Zionists during World War 2 were themselves irrefutably white Caucasian themselves, and what immigrants they were in that European war were rather evidently Armed Forces members who were fighting the German and their Nazi Axis forces including the undoubtedly so Ukrainian Waffen SS units and also the similar, noxiously butchery units of the Britisches Freikorps: white Britons, Australians, New Zealanders, Canadian and Irish volunteers who categorically along with the South African Boer SS equivalents who irrefutably fought for Germany and the Axis Forces, and were no different in their simply intrinsically Nazi sentiments than senior members of the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten Windsor family, several members of the British hierarchy, celebrities essentially like the Beverley Sisters and would you believe it - the owners of the Daily Mail. The sorts of scum who've all now done a 180 degree turn, who would have you believe they love "Jews" more than their adulterous and sickening paedophile ways of life!

#Hypocrisy #Stupidity

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