
Even among Ladies who’re unique you Carolyn are discernibly unsurpassable!

By Stanley Collymore
So many years have flown by since that very first and
highly auspicious meeting between the two of
us, yet for all that each of them has been
profoundly and perpetually enriched
by the respective, enduring and
commensurately undemanding friendship
and love we’ve always freely and
spontaneously demonstrated
towards one another
together with an assured and reciprocal
respect for each other; themselves
juxtaposed with the most
powerful and imperishable memories conceivable
to either of us of our very special relationship,
which predictably has only got stronger,
complimentarily beneficial and
significantly indispensable
with each passing year.
And with your upcoming birthday, Carolyn on
the 28th November 2013 it is, I feel, a most
appropriate time not only to honestly
and unpretentiously thank you for
everything that has gloriously transpired
between us throughout the past years
that we’ve known each other but
also a characteristically fitting
opportunity as well to wish you in every regard,
on this emblematically unique of days in
your quite amazing and comfortingly
beneficial life, a distinctively
wonderful and unforgettable birthday, with many
more equally memorable ones to be suitably
enjoyed in the future. Happy Birthday to
you Love, and to someone who in
every sense of the word is
the consummate Lady!
© Stanley V. Collymore
10 November 2013.


There are some relationships formed in life that one intuitively knows that neither time nor circumstances will ever change them or nullify their constructive impact on the recipients involved, who furthermore will be the better off as human beings from having embarked on them; this is one of them!

#Friendship #Love

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