
English Spellbinding Seagulls

By Stanley Collymore
Hey! Why are you spitefully, malevolently and rather
antagonistically throwing stones at each and every
seagull whose harmless and natural presence
you discern and quite recognizably and
unwarrantedly want to harm? So
I’m using the word natural here not only in its
generalized and normally recognized form
but also in its accurate and extensively
known etymological one. For these
seagulls are not merely coastline
dwellers appropriately making
the most of an wide-ranging
seafaring setting, they’re
also age-old established
indigenous inhabitants
of these identical and
aquatic regions that
they routinely and
totally obviously,
happily frequent.
But locations, if perchance they’re ever misguidedly left
to the feral and disruptive actions of morons like you,
that will undoubtedly be enforcedly made to see
all of these beautiful seagulls effectively,
irreversibly and permanently gone. So
ostensibly as the deeply ingrained pillocks that you
transparently are, just for once in your pathetic
lives try doing something distinctly positive
for the decent elements of humanity and,
in the process of doing this, a great big
favour in terms of a permanent and
distinctive legacy for present-day
and future generation of human
populations by unmistakeably
leaving these superbly spell–
binding and categorically
charming seagulls alone!
© Stanley V. Collymore
20 September 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
You soar across the maritime skyline with commensurate grace and ease thrilling the hearts and delighting the minds of all those who genuinely appreciate beauty and have a natural and enduring affinity with nature. And that, unapologetically, is how it should be! Just as Nature had always intended from the origin of your impressive specie.


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