Author's Remarks:
The Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsors are clearly a huge business but only for themselves! Therefore, you sad, pathetic and brownnosing, feudally mindset, serf morons don't or won't ever benefit from their quite substantial financial largesse but will instead contribute to what these vile financial grifters already have simply through your amply, taxpayer funded contributions. A distinctly disturbing, extremely evil, odious situation that's consciously and blatantly egregiously exacerbated by this very disgustingly, repugnant lot who arrogantly ensure that they pay no inheritance tax at all on the billions they routinely acquire, while unsurprisingly getting their vile stooges in parliament and themselves most keen to attain their meaningless, to every naturally obvious, intelligent person, gongs from them in exchange for obnoxiously, literally determining what minimal tax these Windsors do condescend to pay!
The attitudes and gross immorality of this Windsor Mafia Klan, are not only deeply entrenched but distinctively as well discernibly archaic. And it's very entertaining from a clearly objective, even if at times cynical perspective to watch idiotic Brits and their overseas expatriate, genocidal kin swarm very enthusiastically but also deferentially over this literally distinctly, absolutely toxically verminous, discernibly very obviously clearly piss poor specimens for human beings, calling themselves the Windsors.
Harry, in my view, truly has the heart of a brave lion to literally stand up to this intrinsically, distinctly immorally criminal; bloodthirsty murderous and repugnantly spiteful, odious financial mafia organisation into which he was born and is quite unmistakably as big and clearly powerful, as this Windsor family distinctively with its corporate brownnnosers and a purportedly too British media evidently is. But clearly nothing however transparently vile it is lasts forever. Not even this asinine and quite risibly delusionally held on to, though long gone, British Empire!
So well done Harry! And in honestly and honourably doing what you're so courageously doing showing exactly who the discerniby, unquestionably applauded person of principles in all of this is.
My abiding love and respect to you: Harry, the Lionheart, your gorgeous and supportive wife Meghan and as well your beautiful children who you have steadfastly stood up for. A true Hero by any etymological definition of that word. God richly Bless You all!
#Admiration #Courage #Honesty #Inspiration #Motivation