
Donald J. Trump, quite evidently, is still grifting off his much beloved but distinctly poorly educated brigade!

By Stanley Collymore
Has Donald J. Trump been on the
bleach again or is he aptly doing
this, in expectation of escaping
from his myriad law suits? For
with Donald Trump distinctly
indicating, that he effectively
very realistically, clearly has
no specific plans to logically
and reasonably too fittingly
step aside, and irrespective
of whatever the essentially
actual, plus manifestly too
unforeseen circumstances
are he’ll be running again
in the upcoming, 2024 US
presidential election, this
is going to be so basically
entertaining, for obvious
neutral countries, to see!
As it’s simply not only beyond
parody, but similarly too will
quite assuredly be such fun
to distinctly, comically watch from
afar. For undeniably, distinctively
manifestly, with Donald J. Trump
then clearly and unquestionably
too, the incumbent US President
American democracy, and what
still existed of western sagacity,
crucially had a very near death
experience and thus it’s only to
be earnestly hoped that such a
despairingly, terrible situation
actually doesn’t happen again.
All the same, totally cognizant
of, the literally unmistakably
rank narcissism of this man
Donald J. Trump it’s quite apparent
that he’ll most likely as not, run as
an independent candidate rather
consciously and unquestionably
also purposely and vindictively
vitally splitting the Republican
vote; and therefore effectively
and essentially predictably in
this classic, indubitably tense
process similarly making the
decisive electoral result, that
much easier beneficially, for
a more cohesive and clearly
organised Democratic Party.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 November 2022.

Author's Remarks:
Only a bigot, a complete fool or a else someone who is totally naive or very delusional would actually realistically seriously think, that the United States of America, undeniably the principal world power, was ever great let alone actually glorious; but amidst its many imperfections there is undoubtedly so the discernibly requisite and natural, characteristic ingredients which quite in themselves constitute the real basis for literally genuine redemption; and that, of course, is what really matters.

#Egotism #Greed #Hypocrisy

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