Author's Remarks:
Meghan Markle presumably not eligible to marry in white, but Liz Windsor obviously marrying her paedophile lover Philip from the age of her being 12 years, her younger sister Margaret and daughter Anne who've literally had more pricks in them than a pin cushion; the other Windsor females and as well the likes of Kate and the other actually perceived as commoners who've basically married into this clearly dysfunctional and likewise hypocritical family where factually in Liz's own brood three of her four sprogs that we know of are actually divorced and had she herself not stepped in and actually stopped it Anne would have for the second time have dumped a husband, legally!
Then there are Philip's numerous affairs so multiple it would simply take a bloody long time to document them; but who sensibly, really gives a fuck. The man was literally a quite penniless, paedophile asshole on the make, basically ignored by his own family and 12 year old Liz Windsor was evidently his gravy train. Philip was similarly as well a prime motivator in the actual murder of Diana Spencer. Couldn't have Fergie killed though as it would have been simply too obvious. Interestingly enough now that this racist, serial adulterous and distinctly like his uncle paedophile bastard is dead, Fergie and Andrew, with Charles' blessing are to re-marry. Something which criminal and pathetically hypocritical adulterous prat Philip would not have countenanced.
No need for me to rehash the Charles and Camilla saga as the real world essentially knows what happened there. The noxious sycophants from my perspective can truly carry on in their delusional world!
And the entire world of course distinctively knows that all British white women and, as well, their kin living in genocidal, distinctly, convict and simply delusional Terra nullius Australia in tandem with the same scum in New Zealand, Canada, Ireland and the UK, with remnants of them still in South Africa and Zimbabwe are all classic virgins when they get married and clearly, self-evidently also, are entitled to and unquestionably as well honour bound to wear white.
As for Ingrid Seward the distinctly classic monarchical sycophant and undoubtedly toxic Stockholm Syndrome Irish pillock I'm actually working on an article on this post-menopausal, self-evidently sexually dried up perverse cunt with no holds barred; so watch this space.
In conclusion concentrate on William and Kate's non-existent marriage except in its name alone and leave Harry, Meghan and their two beautiful children alone; for truly nothing that you really say or do egged on by rags like the Daily Mail is going to cause either Harry or Meghan to ruin their clearly happy and working marriage; unlike that of William and Waity Kate Middleton the now redundant Stepford wife and broodmare!