
Arbitrary Regrets!

By Stanley Collymore
It’s quite ridiculous, futile and
likewise counterproductive
to basically spend one’s
time simply regretting something which
didn’t happen; more than likely, actually
never would have realistically occurred
and in the basically, very unlikely event
that it did happen, would actually have
in all probability been, unquestionably,
a consummate disaster; and, crucially
whose actual appeal to you long after
this non-achievable event, is naturally
your quite fanciful or even delusional
assumption of what might, or clearly
could simply, maybe have happened
Things which don’t occur in our lives
often, effectively do so for a number
of valid reasons which, undoubtedly,
at the time, we were specifically not
the least cognizant of; and, actually
equally as well invariably beneficial
to us; since, had they happened we
would, in effect, be now essentially
utilizing a great deal of our literally
obviously precious and discernibly
limited time, on Earth, distinctively
generally and also unquestionably
too evidently absurdly retributively
castigating yourselves for actually
really permitting them, to happen!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
17 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
One should sensibly and quite distinctly unquestionably realistically actually look to the future and the undeniably several positive possibilities that it has to offer; not stay obviously moribund in the past literally speculating over, or even clearly simply reinventing, often exaggeratedly and distinctly vaingloriously, situations which evidently in undoubtedly trying to placate our egos, we simply discernibly often quite pathetically, and specifically literally one-sidedly, try to kid ourselves and clearly stupidly make out, that they were obviously essentially much better than what they actually were!


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