Colin Goedecke

You Can Forget

on forgetting & remembering

The keys to the house, or car.
The address of a restaurant.
The grocery list.
The name of a tree or bird
or passing acquaintance.
The way to make bread.
The words to a song.
The appointment with the dentist,
or doctor.
But not the keys to your true feelings.
Or the address of your greater awareness.
The list of what deeply nourishes
your being.
The name of your life purpose,
life passion.
The way to make peace.
The words to the song
in your heart.
The appointment you have
every day,
with the beauty
and possibility
of the world unfolding
inside and around you.
Colin Goedecke
Westerly-by-the-Sea, Rhode Island
November 2023

this is the opening poem of show 184 on Forgetting, in the live, weekly Floating Poetry Broadcast series on youtube & elsewhere

#awareness #colingoedecke #feelings #forget #forgetting #heart #peace #possibility #recall #remember #remembering #thepoetisphere #world

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