Cody Swank

How Could I Not?

What could I do to avoid hurting you?
We would spend hours talking about our childhood memories and you fell in love with my story. You told me how you cared about me and I fell in love with your brand of love. I showed you surprise gifts and public affection. I gave you deep conversations and self reflection. You gave me stability when my life had no foundation. You gave me wise words, reassurance and dedication. No human can care deeply for someone while simultaneously protecting their heart. Our emotional walls are obsolete once we’ve already allowed each other into our hearts.
So how could I not hurt you?
You had felt a mans touch but you never had someone penetrate your heart and your body. I was that one. I had entered a woman’s body before but I had never found a safe-haven in her arms or peace from the stroke of her hands against my head. You were the one. How can you not remember those nights? How can it not bother you to imagine that I might share that experience with another?
Baby tell me how I could not hurt you?
I may genuinely love you but I am not ready to love you. I may care for you deeply without wanting to commit to the full time job of loving a woman. I may think about you everyday but not want to put you above nights with my friends. I may prefer you above any woman on the face of the earth but Im not prepared to say I’ll never kiss another or receive a dance. I may love spending day with you but not want to spend everyday with you. If those are all things you desire then answer this:
How could I not hurt you?
If I commit to you verbally and live a secret life you will one day find out and be crushed. If I play it safe and avoid lying you will consider me cowardly for not trying.
I know that you miss and love me because those feelings are definitely reciprocated.
My only question for you is this:
How could I not hurt you?

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