If I asked you if I loved you wou… Caught up in the goings on of the… So and so said they were there Unaware of the stares. So I’m looking backward at a posi…
In her they see a beauty sought; i… Her happiness a fallacy wrought; y… Please, goddess of life, explain t… Allow yourself to realize that you… to be won in a contest, let loose…
Say it to me slow because I could… Why the fuck your words made a dif… On the apocalyptic nature of your… Publicly lambasting me for what it… Slipped into the cracks of a fonde…
Can you feel the breeze around the… Shuffling leaves and plagues and n… Across a dreamscape so quiet and s… Maybe I should warn her Danger lurks in places we stare
The tides are turning, I’ve found… Ran round my brain to clear the mu… Opportunity lost but never sounded Like I would ever imagine. Alliteration has crossed my mind
The street is familiar The lanes are not. I’ve fallen in again And am now distraught. I couldn’t see what needed to be s…
I stared her down in the arms of a… Collected, calm, fascinated and fe… Once where my child dared to tread Dared to be steady and faltered Mixing thoughts, mixing moods, mix…
Ah shit I said! 2 days behind, cannot rewind Focus forward, Focus fast Because the past disappeared into…
Hello my name is Christopher and… Why to ace this gig and become the… My tools aren’t meant to destroy But to build empires within the so… A place within each and every one
I’m late. For a very important da… But I’ve lost my hat My cat My way I’d stay but I simply can’t.
Sasha my god you’ve left me alone… Despair drowning like a babe at se… Lost, yet found and nonconforming… Deep inside my head this makes abs… yet every filter is written off li…
Paint: It goes where it isn’t supposed to Much like the way your stares Found their way through This zoo of emotion
I told him it would be epic So to this standard I must now ho… My language hasn’t been quite sept… And there’s much of a tale to be t… And so I pour out to you, friends
I wasn’t sure why I decided that… Forsaken and beaten and weary Perhaps Perhaps not But it certainly raised the questi…
Surrounded by the light, so she ca… Could not help but stare with my c… The rapid pounding of a lost heart… Soon to find the path with an eage… Gentle and understanding, so I wa…