Charles Bukowski

Women: 22

Lydia’s sister Angela came to town from Utah to see Lydia’s new house. Lydia had made a down payment on a little place and the monthly payments were very low. It was a very good buy. The man who sold the house believed he was going to die and he had sold it much too cheap. There was an upstairs bedroom for the children, and an extremely large backyard filled with trees and clumps of bamboo.

Angela was the oldest of the sisters, the most sensible, with the best body, and was the most realistic. She sold real estate. But there was the problem of where to put Angela. We didn’t have room. Lydia suggested Marvin.

“Marvin?” I asked.

“Yes, Marvin,” said Lydia.

“All right, let’s go,” I said.

We all climbed into Lydia’s orange Thing. The Thing. That’s what we called her car. It looked like a tank, very old and ugly. It was late evening. We had already phoned Marvin. He had said he’d be home all evening.

We drove down to the beach and there was his little house by the shore. “Oh,” said Angela, “what a nice house.” “He’s rich, too,” said Lydia.

“And he writes good poetry,” I said.

We got out. Marvin was in there with his saltwater fish tanks and his paintings. He painted pretty well. For a rich kid he had survived nicely, he had come through. I made the introductions. Angela walked around looking at Marvin’s paintings. “Oh, very nice.” Angela painted too, but she wasn’t very good.

I had brought some beer and had a pint of whiskey hidden in my coat pocket which I nipped on from time to time. Marvin brought out some more beer and a mild flirtation began between Marvin and Angela. Marvin seemed eager enough but Angela seemed inclined to laugh at him. She liked him, but not well enough to fuck him right away. We drank and talked. Marvin had bongo drums and a piano and some grass. He had a good, comfortable house. In a house like this I could write better, I thought, my luck would be better. You could hear the ocean and there were no neighbors to complain about the noise of a typewriter.

I continued to nip at the whiskey. We stayed 2 or 3 hours, then left. Lydia took the freeway back. “Lydia,” I said, “you fucked Marvin, didn’t you?”

“What are you talking about?”

“The time you went over there late at night, alone.” “Goddamn you, I don’t want to hear that!”

“Well, it’s true, you fucked him!”

“Listen, if you keep it up I’m not going to stand for it!” “You fucked him.”

Angela looked frightened. Lydia drove over to the shoulder of the freeway, stopped the car and pushed the door open on my side. “Get out!” she said.
I got out. The car drove off. I walked along the shoulder of the freeway. I took the pint out and had a nip. I walked along about 5 minutes when the Thing pulled up alongside me. Lydia opened the door. “Get in.” I got in.

“Don’t say a word.”

“You fucked him. I know you did.”

“Oh Christ!”

Lydia drove back on to the shoulder of the freeway and pushed the door open again. “Get out!”

I got out. I walked along the shoulder. Then I came to an offramp that led to a deserted street. I walked down the offramp and along the street. It was very dark. I looked into the windows of some of the houses. Apparently I was in a black district. I saw some lights ahead at an intersection. There was a hot dog stand. I walked up to it. A black man was behind the counter. There was nobody else around. I ordered coffee. “Goddamned women,” I said to him. “They are beyond all reason. My girl let me off on the freeway. Want a drink?”

“Sure,” he said.

He took a good hit and handed it back.

“You got a phone?” I asked. “I’ll pay you.”

“Is it a local call?”


“No charge.”

He pulled a phone from underneath the counter and handed it to me. I took a drink and handed him the bottle. He took one.

I called the Yellow Cab Co., gave them the location. My friend had a kind and intelligent face. Goodness could be found sometimes in the middle of hell. We passed the bottle back and forth as I waited for the cab. When the cab arrived I got into the back and gave the cabby Nicole’s address.

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