#Americans #XXCentury #1993 #ThePleasuresOfTheDamned
By the time they called me to dinner I was able to pull up my clothing and walk to the breakfast nook where we ate all our meals except on Sunday. There were two pillows on my chair. I ...
call it love stand it up in the failing light put it in a dress pray sing beg cry laugh
I used to hold my social security… up in the air, he told me, but I was so small they couldn’t see it,
consistency is terrific: shark-mouth grubby interior with an almost perfect body, long blazing hair—
I took Tanya to Santa Anita. The current sensation was a 16 year old jockey still riding with his 5 pound bug advantage. He was from the east and was riding at Santa Anita for the first...
I kept getting letters from a lady who lived only a mile or so away. She signed them Nicole. She said she had read some of my books and liked them. I answered one of her letters and she...
I went up to Tammie’s place with my cardboard cartons. First I got the items she mentioned. Then I found other things—other dresses and blouses, shoes, an iron, a hair dryer, Dancy’s cl...
dogs and angels are not very different. I often go to this place to eat about 2:30 in the afternoon
sleepy now at 4 a.m. hear the siren of a white ambulance,
twitching in the sheets— to face the sunlight again, that’s clearly trouble. I like the city better when the
A couple of nights later Becker walked in. I guess my parents gave him my address or he located me through the college. I had my name and address listed with the employment division at ...
After 3 years I made “regular.” That meant holiday pay (subs didn’t get paid for holidays) and a 40 hour week with 2 days off. The Stone was also forced to assign me as relief man to 5 ...
they found him walking along the f… all red in front he had taken a rusty tin can and cut off his sexual
I went over the other day to pick up my daughter. her mother came out with workman’s overalls on. I gave her the child support money
they stop out front here looks as if the car is on fire the smoke blazes blue from the hoo… the motor sounds like cannon shots the car humps wildly